Safe Harbour (Thomas Shelby x Female Reader) - Oneshot

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Summary: A good night out with your best friend takes a menacing twist, until someone unexpected arrives.

Word count: 1768

Warnings: Unwanted attention. Stalking. Reader angst.

A/N: This idea has been roaming around in my head for some time now. Had to get it out.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think

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You really should have listened. Listened to your mother. Why was she always right? She warned you never to walk home by yourself so late at night. Picking up your pace, your heels clicked along the pavement of the almost deserted street, her words rolling round and round in your head, 'You hear me Y/N? No good will come of it.'

Yes. The almost deserted street. It wasn't quite as deserted as you hoped it would be. Until now, it had been a good night out; a girl's night out. Just you and your best friend. And after a few too many drinks, you both decided it was time to go home. It really wasn't that far, after walking with your friend to her house, you wished you had taken her up on her invitation to stay. But no. Like a fool, you decided to walk the extra ten minutes to your house, just so you could sleep in your own familiar bed. What an idiot you felt now.

Hurrying across the road, you found those 'few too many drinks,' quickly wearing off. Now, normally you would thank the crisp autumn wind for that, and although the night was indeed, cool, it had nothing to do with your sobriety. Your sobriety, was solely due to the sound of footsteps following you across the road. Pulling your coat tight around your body, you snuck a glance behind you, and your stomach dropped. It was the man that had been bothering you at the club. At the time, he seemed harmless enough, and after a few words to him, he left you alone. Then about ten minutes after later, you thought you'd seen him leave, but it seemed as through you were very much mistaken.

Masked somewhere beneath your ever-increasing panic, was concern. He must have been following you since you left the club, and that meant he knew where your friend lived. God, you hoped once he was finished with whatever his plans were with you, he would leave her alone. But looking ahead that concern got buried deep within your panic. Ragged breaths gripped at your chest when your eyes trailed off into the darkness ahead. The next two street lamps were blown, and the moon above offered no help, its light swallowed up by a blanket of heavy clouds. Clutching onto your purse as if you could use it as a weapon, your thoughts went into over-drive, but you couldn't see a way out of this. With no choice but to walk ahead into the darkness, you picked up your pace, hoping to make it to the following street, where the pavements were bathed in the soft yellow glow from the lamp posts above.

Pulling your coat even tighter around your body, your eyes focused on the light ahead, while your ears concentrated on the boots behind you; and your panic magnified. His heavy steps were out doing yours; he was closing the distance, enjoying this menacing race a little too much. Glancing over your shoulder, you jumped at the sound of his voice, your feet now caught somewhere between a walk and a run, "Why you in such a hurry?"

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