Becoming Alfie's daughter's step-mother, would include: headcanon

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Okay, so this is more about becoming Alfie's daughter's step-mother rather than already being one. It was requested by anon over at my Tumblr blog (fallatyourfeet)

Word Count: 1059

Warnings: A little bit of swearing and lots of fluff.

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-Alfie loved you long before he ever saw you with his daughter. 

-How could he not. From the moment you walked through his office door, you had his full attention.

-Each and every day you brought your smile into work; and it was fuckin glorious. 

-And he knew, if you ever wanted to, you could use it to get away with blue murder. 

-But like an angel, you never did. 

- The subtle scent of your perfume; fuckin hell, he couldn't help but want to bathe in it. 

-And those stubborn wisps of hair that refused to stay confined to the style in which you fashioned it; every day falling into a beautiful mess around your face. 

-And every day his fingertips would itch whenever he imagined himself returning them behind your ear. 

-Don't even get him started on your laugh, especially if he was the one to draw it from your lips. 

-It did things to him, brought him a strange and yet, immense feeling of joy and contentment. 

-And your mind; it was something to behold. He wanted to learn all the secret ins and outs of it. 

-Yes, it was fair to say that Alfie was really quite taken with you. 

-So, long before you met his daughter, he was already imaging you by his side. A permanent fixture, to love and hold and cherish, well beyond the four walls of his professional enterprises. 

-And the day you first met his little girl was completely by chance, and probably the single sweetest thing he had ever witnessed. 

-Alfie was entering Barkers Department Store, feeling so out of place. It wasn't his scene at all, but he promised his daughter weeks ago that he would take her there to pick herself out a new dress. 

-She may have only been four, but he was tied in knots around her little finger. 

-At first, he tried to get his mother to take her, but one disappointed look from those big puppy dog eyes and he simply couldn't deny her. 

-And well, let's just say by the day's end, he was more than a little pleased that his daughter had that power over him. 

-They had barely even walked through the doors when his daughter was mesmerised by all finely dressed women shopping the cosmetic and jewellery counters. 

-She was mesmerised, but he was terrified. 

-Alfie was just about to hop in the elevator and head up to the Children's department, when she slipped from his grip and went running. 

-Spinning on his feet, he lunged after her, but she was too quick, leaving him in her dust as she ran across to the opposite side of the store. Something had caught her eye. 

-Chasing after her, he stopped short when he watched her tug on the back of some lady's lovely dress. 

-Closing his eyes for a split second, he shook his head. This girl was going to get him into trouble one day. And not the kind of trouble he was used to dealing with. 

-Alfie began walking, his lips already forming an apology as he made his way to his daughter, but his feet soon had him stopping short again. 

-Because that's when the lady turned around to look at whatever it was tugging at her dress. The lady was you. And you took his breath away. 

-Not only because you looked stunning; until now, he had never seen you in anything other than your office attire; and even that was enough to get his heart in a twist. 

-But it was the way you crouched down to his daughter's level to speak with her. Your smile was so warm and generous as she spoke to you. 

-Lifting up the edge of your dress, you pointed at the delicately embroidered flowers amongst the lace, letting her tiny; and probably grubby little fingers run across the bumpy surface. 

-Then pointing to the bow sewn to the front of his daughter's dress, you spoke to her, and she smiled as if she was the happiest little girl in the world. 

-By this point, Alfie's heart had all but stopped beating. 

-Gathering himself together, he inhaled deeply, clearing his throat in an effort to prepare for speaking and began walking towards you both. Your voice reaching him as he neared. 

-"So, you came with your Daddy?" His daughter nodded as you lifted her up to sit on the counter, the snooty woman attending it, looking very unimpressed. But you ignored her and spoke again, "Let's see if we can find him, Button... what does he look like?" 

-"He has a beard and... Daddy!" Daphne screamed out in excitement, as she clamped eyes on him, pointing in his direction. 

-You followed Daphne's finger and when your eyes caught sight of him your mouth dropped open in both surprise and delight. "Alfie?... This adorable little girl belongs to you?" 

-Alfie chuckled, as he tried to regain control of his heart, "Why you so surprised...? According to my mum, yeah... I was a very adorable child." 

-There was that laugh of yours that flooded him with pure joy and contentment. 

-Then raising your brow, you tilted your head, and teased, "What...? and she doesn't find you adorable now?" 

-Reaching the counter, Daphne jumped into his arms, leaning across to tug at your dress again, "Daddy, I want a dress just like this one... I want to look like this lady... she is so pretty." 

-Every feature on your face melted at his daughter's innocent compliment, your eye's gracing the floor; almost bashfully, when he agreed. "Yeah, she is, isn't she?" 

-From the corner of his eye, he saw you nibble on your bottom lip; your breath hitching the tiniest bit. 

-And that was the moment he realised, that maybe he was not the only one that wanted you to be a permanent fixture in his life... that little nibble of your bottom lip made him wonder... made him hope, that just maybe you wanted it too. 

-And when Alfie spoke again, his words were to his daughter, but his eyes spoke only to you, watching as you read between his lines, "Hey Daph... what you say we take this lovely lady out for lunch? Then maybe after... if you ask nice, yeah... she'll help us find you a pretty dress just like hers."

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