Witness - (Alfie Solomons x Reader)

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Summary: This was a request over at my Tumblr account (fallatyourfeet) The reader is Alfie's quiet and gentle secretary. When a new worker takes an interest in her, Alfie doesn't like it, assuming she will not know how to handle herself.

Word count: 880

Warnings: Swearing, (of course there is, it's Alfie). The reader receives some unwanted physical contact.

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think

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Alfie had been watching quietly for days now. Watched how his new worker paid a little too much attention to you. Hovered a little too close... lingered a little too long. And he didn't like it. It bothered him. Not that he had seen the man treat you with disrespect in any way, he just didn't like the way he looked at you. It was too... too hungry, or something.

As Alfie's secretary, you were well respected. His workers just seemed to know you were off-limits and he never had to worry about one of them bothering you. And it pleased him because you were far too sweet and gentle to have to deal with the rough and crude manners his men routinely showed the women they came across. Honestly, he didn't know how you put up with him half the time, but there was something in your polite and calm nature that kept him at ease when you were around. Maybe that's why he hired you because normally he would have chosen someone a little more feisty and fierce, someone able to hold their own. And because of this, it was probably fair to say, that he had grown quite protective of you, even if he hadn't realised it himself. And when this daft new worker, foolishly decided against his better judgement, to make an unrequited move on you, Alfie was pleased to find himself an invisible witness.

Standing quietly in the shadows just outside your office door, Alfie watched as the man stood at your side, passing you folders as you filed them away, the expression on your face, though polite, seemingly unimpressed by both his assistance and close proximity. And Alfie couldn't help the strange feeling of satisfaction it sent running through his veins. But that satisfaction soon dissolved the moment the man overstepped the boundaries... your boundaries. Reaching across to the stack of folders, you picked them up, so that he could no longer pass them to you, a clear signal that you didn't need or want his assistance any longer. And when the man didn't take the hint, you made it even clearer when you said, "Thanks for your help, Benny, but you should go." Then looking up to the clock on the wall, you added, "Your lunch break is almost over and I need to go over some paperwork with Mr Solomons."

Alfie felt his fists tighten when Benny ignored your request and moved a step closer, his lips curling with disgust when the stupid fucker spoke, "I could think of one or two things I would like to go over with you." A look of distaste hardened your features and Alfie tensed up in response, knowing the second the bastard placed one single fucking finger to your pretty head, he would be ready. Ready to burst in and drag him outside, if only to introduce his ugly face to the pavement.

With thinning patience, you smiled, but there was no warmth in it, and when you responded, your words left no room for misinterpretation. "I'm sorry Benny, but you should leave. There will be no going over things with me, I do not like you in that way."

Alfie felt his own eyes widen, a small smile catching at the corner of his mouth. He had never heard you speak so firmly to someone before, and he had to admit, he liked it. But stupid fucking Benny still wouldn't take the hint. And in his next breath, Alfie's face darkened with rage when the prick of a man pulled you to him and grabbed your arse. Charging out of the shadows with murderous thoughts and ready fists, Alfie stopped short the second he made it through your office door, his expression somehow startled, amused, thrilled and proud, all at once.

Grabbing the man by his arms, you used him as leverage to swing your knee between his legs. It must have connected with impressive force, because the stupid prick buckled over and fell to the floor, rolling around in so much pain that he could barely make a sound. And as he was rolling around, whimpering like a wounded dog, you leaned over him, your voice strong and forceful, "Don't you ever lay your hands on me again, not ever. Do you hear me?"

Truth be told, in his surprise and amusement, and with all immediate threats to you gone, Alfie took a long moment to react, before he casually made his way over to your side. Though there was nothing casual in the way he hovered above the pathetic creature beneath him, and said, "I believe the lovely Miss Y/L/N here, just asked you somthin,' Benny. So why haven't you fuckin' answered her yet?"

Still unable to stop squirming around the floor, he looked up at you with a red face and bulging eyes, and with great difficulty, mumbled a broken reply, "Yes... Miss Y/L/N... I... heard you."

Then crouching down beside him, Alfie got right in his face, his voice quiet, yet utterly cold and menacing. "Now get the fuck out of my building... And if I ever see you again or hear you have touched a single hair on her sweet head... you will never use those fuckin' balls again."


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