Demons (Arthur Shelby x Reader)

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Credit to the Gif Creator

Summary: The reader calms a raging Arthur Shelby.

A/N: Okay, so this is my first Arthur fic, hope you enjoy.

Word Count: 465

Warning: Angst, violence, violent outburst.

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or ask, I would love to know what you think.

You came barreling through the doorway, your heart thumping loud in your chest, breathless, as you called out Arthur's name, the sound falling deafly upon his ears

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You came barreling through the doorway, your heart thumping loud in your chest, breathless, as you called out Arthur's name, the sound falling deafly upon his ears. After Finn had arrived pounding his fists urgently against your front door, you dropped everything and ran, Arthur's sparring with some poor innocent boy had apparently gotten out of hand.

Arthur had returned from France a changed man. Even as a kid, he was always a little tightly wired, but now there was no control. His temper could flare at the flip of a coin, taking over his body and his mind, seemingly leaving the devil in control. Yet you... you could always pick up on his little warning signs, the little clues that hinted of the stirring beast inside and somehow you were able to keep his demons at bay.

Yet, there were times you were not around and the demons were free to come out and play, leaving devastation in their wake. Every episode chipping away at what little light remained in his soul, casting heavy shadows in its place. And it broke your heart. Some men were just not built for war, it flicked a switch inside them, one that could rarely be switched back and you feared your poor Arthur's switch was forever broken.

Racing up to his side, you were horrified at the sight. A poor young boy lay motionless and barely breathing as Arthur kneeled over him, his fists flying in an uncontrolled rage, connecting blow after blow to the boys face, leaving him unrecognisable. Men surrounded him in a fruitless attempt to calm his rage, ripping him from the boy, their actions only fuelling his storm.

You shouted for them to move, each one backing away instantly, all of them relieved to see you, grateful to be out of Arthur's line of fire. You took a deep breath, to steady your racing heart, clear your panicked thoughts and calm your trembling voice, before placing a firm hand to his shoulder. "Arthur... Arthur!" Your touch coupled with the steady tone of your voice, brought a stagger to his rage, his whole body stiffening at the sound of your voice. Taking advantage of his single breath of clarity, you spoke again, your voice quiet and gentle, "Arthur, stop... look at me."

Slowly, he turned to face you and you placed your hands upon his forearms, immediately feeling his tense muscles unwind under your touch. The raw anger and rage burning in his eyes dissipating the moment his gaze fell upon your face as his blood-stained fists dropped to his sides. Placing your palms to his stubbly cheeks, you held his gaze to yours, watching as the demon disappeared and your Arthur returned, "It's over my love... I'm here... let me take you home."

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or ask, I would love to know what you think

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A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or ask, I would love to know what you think.

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