Sweet Arthur (Arthur Shelby x Reader)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: You and Arthur have been together for a little while now, but still, he can't believe his good fortune.

Word count: 914

Warnings: None really. Maybe some angst.

A/N: Okay, so I don't know what happened here. I started with just fluff and sentiment in mind, but something happened about half the way through. Maybe it had something to do with the few glasses of whiskey under my belt... I'm not sure. But I hope it makes sense... maybe I should have waited until I could proof read it in the morning before I posted. Oh well... fingers crossed it works.

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

Releasing a long sigh of contentment, Arthur opened his eyes and looked up to you

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Releasing a long sigh of contentment, Arthur opened his eyes and looked up to you. The feeling of your fingers running through his hair as he lay stretched out on the couch, his head resting comfortably in your lap, was almost hypnotising. Each gentle touch, sending shivers of release across the worked up muscles of his shoulders... Shoulders that were wound so tight when he walked through the door that evening, they felt as if the slightest movement would snap them. Reaching over the back of his head, he placed his palm to the side of your face, his long fingers tangling softly within your hair, his voice rough and yet surprisingly tender. "I'm a lucky man, (YN). I don't know what I did to deserve ya, but whateva it was... I'm glad I did it?"

Giving a little sigh yourself, you smiled the most perfect smile, a beautiful balance of both charmed and bashful sentiment, your lovely eyes reflecting the amber flames that flickered and crackled in the fireplace. Leaning down, your warm soft lips somehow reached his forehead, giving him a lingering kiss that had another sigh of contentment passing his lips. When you sat back up, you spoke, and if your voice and eyes hadn't been so sincere, he would have disagreed with you. "Oh Arthur... you really can be the sweetest man... you must give yourself more credit."

Arthur closed his eyes again, his hand leaving the side of your face to grab yours which sat idly upon his chest. Wrapping every available finger around your hand, he lifted it to his mouth... kissing every fingertip with tender lips. With a small shake of his head, he placed it back to his chest, holding it against the beat of his heart, his head filled with only sweet thoughts of you.

Arthur knew he was the high maintenance one in your relationship and it only made him love you more. The fact that you put up with all his bullshit was a constant source of wonder for him. Well, that wasn't exactly true... it was more the fact that you knew exactly how to deal with his bullshit, that brought wonder... not only to him, but the rest of the family too. You had this way of making him see sense and calming him down, even when his usually uncontrollable rage took control. You made it very easy for him to love you and every day since the moment you waltzed into his life, he found himself counting his blessings to the almighty lord above.

It was true, that since the pair of you had been together, no other man even dared look your way... he offered you a level of protection from unwanted advances that you had never experienced before. And those advances were plentiful... because, well... you were stunning, but since the first day you walked around Small Heath by his side, your arm entwined with his, those advances quickly dried up... and you adored him for it. But any protection he offered you, paled in comparison to the protection you offered him. Of course, it wasn't the same iron fisted protection of a peaky blinder... you were far too sweet, gentle and kind hearted for that. Now, Arthur was the first to admit that the inside of his head ran on a very delicate balance. And it was your constant, even and unwavering presence that kept that very delicate balance from collapsing... seemingly with no real effort on your behalf... it was just you being you. It was this level of protection Arthur could never imagine existed and he doubted... no, he knew, any amount of love, fine dresses or hats, necklaces or rings could repay you for everything you had given him. And with each passing day with you by his side, he found a small lost piece of his broken head and heart... tiny fragments he thought he left scattered behind on the battlefields of France forever... tiny pieces found and returned that made him feel just a little more whole with every new day.

Swinging his legs off the side of the couch, Arthur sat up, all his sweet thoughts of you suddenly transforming with a burning need for closeness. Consuming him with the need to kiss you and to have your body as close as physically possible. Reaching over he grabbed you around the waist, lifting you with ease, straddling you across his lap, his lips pressing against yours with insatiable urgency, leaving the both of you breathless as his fingers worked at the buttons on the back of your dress. In his breathlessness, his hands slipped beneath your lace bodice underneath, his appetite for you only increasing as his touch brought a wave of little bumps across the soft skin of your back, your murmurs of pleasure only feeding it more. And as he stood up with you now straddled around his middle, he spoke between kisses as me made his way down the hall. "You're a good woman (YN), far too good for the likes of me. But while you'll ave me, I'm gonna take everthin' you're happy to give."

Tilting your head back to see his eyes, you grabbed his face between your hands, your fingertips rubbing tenderly against his stubble, your words filling his heart with profound and immeasurable contentment. "Arthur, oh, my sweet Arthur, I'm here for the long haul... Now, please just stop talking and get me to the bedroom."

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated

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Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

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