Good For Business (Jealous Tommy Shelby x Female Reader) -Part 2

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Summary: There is still no doubt that you're good for business, but maybe you're a little too good. And Tommy can't handle the consequences.

Word count: 1830

Warnings: Swearing. Jealousy. Reader being disrespected.

A/N: This was a long long long time coming. It was written in patches over a long period of time. So, I really hope it doesn't feel too disjointed. It's actually the first thing I've posted in 5 months, FIVE, but I do hope it's not so long before I post another.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

Tommy sat in his favourite restaurant, at his favourite table, with a tumbler of his favourite whisky residing in the palm of his hand, marveling you

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Tommy sat in his favourite restaurant, at his favourite table, with a tumbler of his favourite whisky residing in the palm of his hand, marveling you. You really were, good for business. The man sitting across from him, a man renowned for being nearly impossible to deal with, was like putty in your hands, and you weren't even trying to turn on your charm. It was just you.

Bringing you along to this business deal was not an easy decision. Since that glorious day in the office of the Garrison, you had virtually lived in each other's pockets, but that didn't mean he wanted you getting involved in his shady day to day business. Working at the Garrison as a paid employee was one thing, but getting directly mixed up in his business deals, well, that was an entirely different matter. But leaning back in his chair watching you unravel this tightly wound and notoriously difficult man, with a simple smile, was something to behold.

This very lucrative deal was for all intents and purposes, legal. However, Tommy's long-term intentions were not exactly above board, and the very difficult and strait-laced, Joe Robertson, knew it. On multiple occasions he had refused to meet with Tommy on the account of his reputation, so when he finally agreed to sit down and talk, Tommy did his research. Not wanting to take anything by chance and blow the only opportunity he might have of securing a deal with this man. He left no stone unturned, barely falling short of knowing what he ate for breakfast. And boy, did Tommy pull out all the stops. But Joe was seemingly unimpressed, and Tommy thought all opportunity was lost. All until it was time for you to join them at the restaurant.

They were already sitting at the table; drink in hand, barely exchanging words with the contract lying forgotten on the table. Then you breezed through the door, instantly catching Joe's eye. And that was the moment Tommy wondered, if maybe the only moral weakness the honourable Joe Robertson had, was you. A string of beautiful, well-dressed women had filed through the restaurant door for the past 45 minutes and he barely even noticed them. But your warm inviting smile and natural charm, had his features flickering to life and suddenly expectant when he realised you were being ushered towards them.

Both men stood up when you stopped at the edge of the table, Tommy offering you the seat between them, making introductions as he did so. "Joe, this is Miss Y/N Y/L/N... my better half... Y/N this is, Mr Joe Robertson."

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