Winter Light (Tommy x Reader) Drabble

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Summary: Just a sweet fluffy morning moment.

Word count: 550 even.

Warnings: Mind rotting fluff.

A/N: Okay, I know that for many of you, it's summer time, but here, in south eastern Australia, it's winter. So this little drabble was purely inspired by my love of snuggling down under the covers on a cold frosty morning.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

The cool winter sun snuck its way into the bedroom from the edges of the blinds, its soft light cascading across your face and messy morning hair

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The cool winter sun snuck its way into the bedroom from the edges of the blinds, its soft light cascading across your face and messy morning hair. You were sound asleep. And Tommy was wide awake. But for once, utterly content. How could he not be with you lying so peacefully just a few inches away? He had wanted this for so long; and you had not been an easy conquest. From the very first moment he laid eyes on you, he had to have you. But you did not make it easy. And somewhere amongst his blatant efforts to woo you into his bed, you went and made him fall in love with you. It was not his intention to fall so easily... to fall for you at all, but by the time he realised it was happening, you already held his heart firmly within the palm of your hands and he had no will, nor desire, to resist. The conqueror had become the conquered. And never had it felt so good.

With slow purposeful movements, he rolled onto his side, not wanting to stir the mattress beneath you and wake you up. God, you looked so stunning; even with all your morning imperfections. A deep satisfying breath filled Tommy's chest as his eyes brushed across your bare shoulder, noticing the soft bumps left behind by the chilly morning air. Reaching for the covers, he pulled them up around you, his movements came so carefully that you barely noticed as you subconsciously snuggled under them. In your very next breath, you settled back into a peaceful sleep and he fought the urge to reach across and kiss you. Those lips; those beautiful soft lips. The memory of last night; their touch, their taste, they were almost impossible to resist, he wanted nothing more than to wake you up right now and recreate the moment... the many flawless moments.

For twenty minutes, he must have laid there, never more willing to stay in bed and whittle away the hours; to do nothing more than memorise every inch of you. By sight... by touch... by taste. To squander every minute, learning every one of your smiles and how to draw them from your lips. To touch every lock of hair as you nestled yourself into his arms, to feel your fingertips caress their way across his chest. And to hear you needily murmur his name as his lips got to work mapping out the contours of your throat.

Tommy closed his eyes a moment, all these thoughts had his fingertips burning for your touch, to run his hand along the curve of your body and grab at your waist. To feel the beat of your heart in unison with his. Taking a few measured breaths, he steadied the rise and fall of his chest and opened them back up. And there you were. Two sleepy E/C eyes gazing back at him through the streams of winter light, with a smile so soft and warm and inviting, that for a quick moment, his heart forgot to function. And as you shuffled across under the warmth of the covers, and moulded yourself perfectly against him, he kissed the top of your head, doubting there could ever be a more perfect morning than this. 

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think

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Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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