Red Silk (Tommy x Wife reader)

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Summary: It's a rare occasion when Tommy comes home early. So why not spoil him.

Word count: 1067

Warnings: Mud??? It's very suggestive, but there's no actual smut.

A/N: I've had this idea for a while now. I was aiming for something that is hopefully steamy, without the smut. Hope it delivers.

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You sat at the edge of the bed; a bath robe wrapped around you. Daylight streamed in through the window, its warmth falling across the fresh clean skin of your face. After a long and luxurious soak in the tub, your body felt so relaxed, and yet, you were impatient to unveil the gorgeous new silk lingerie hiding inconspicuously beneath the robe. Tommy was due home any moment, and you were more than ready to give him a front row ticket to your one woman show, with a bonus behind the scenes pass too.

Just over an hour ago, Frances knocked on your bathroom door. Tommy had called, letting you know he'd be arriving home shortly after five. And immediately, your thoughts turned to the expensive red undergarment hiding in your wardrobe. Maybe you didn't have to wait for a special occasion to wear it... maybe this was a special enough occasion in itself. Afterall, it wasn't often that Tommy came home before nightfall, so why not reward him. He loved you in red. You, loved you in red. And you felt so beautiful when you tried it on, so you knew without a doubt, it would have its desired effect.

Looking across to the clock, it showed 5.15pm, and you felt your impatience grow. Standing up, you walked across the room, your fingertips running along the edge of the dresser, stopping at the collection of perfumes residing at the side. It was an easy choice. Picking up the elegant blue bottle, you sprayed it at your neck and wrists, it was Tommy's favourite. And in the very unlikely event that your red lingerie didn't get the blood pumping faster through his veins, then the scent of your neck most definitely would. Gently placing the bottle down, you heard the unmistakable sound of his car coming up the driveway and you smiled, taking off your robe and throwing it on the chair in the corner of the room.

Standing in the shadows at the top of the stairs, you were not quite willing to reveal yourself until you were sure he was walking through the front door alone. But you were safe. It was just him. Not that you could see him very well, as he lingered in the muted light of the entrance. Stepping from the shadows, you revealed yourself, "Frances told me you were coming home early... So, I thought I'd dress for the occasion." Moving towards the stairs, you heard his intake of air, and you smiled wickedly, your feet taking their time as they slowly made their way down each step, "I mean it's nothing much. It's just a little something I picked up from-"

Words dried up in your mouth as your feet came to a sudden standstill about halfway down the staircase, your lungs forgetting to breathe when he stepped into the light of the foyer. He was a mess. The entirety of him was covered in god knows what, filling you with panic. But your breath quickly returned the moment your gaze caught his smile. And after a fleeting inspection from his head to his feet, you found not an ounce of blood... It was just mud. But still, shock held every feature of your face. "Tommy. What on God's green earth happened to you?"

Tommy ignored your question and laughed, no doubt a result of the confused expression you felt plastered across your face. Clearing his throat, he took a step towards the stairs, his delighted smirk almost lost amongst splatters of mud, and asked, "Would you greet me this way if I was to come home early all the time...?" Then taking another step towards the stairs, he added, "Because it can be arranged."

From the moment Frances told you he was coming home, all you thought about was his lips on yours, the feel his hair grasped between your fingers, and the weight of his body upon yours. Now, you suddenly found your feet slowly retreating up the stairs, every time he took a step in your direction. Shaking your head softly, you answered, "Ah... not if you're going to come home looking like that."

Tommy's suit was barely recognisable through the thick layer of mud, his feet leaving footprints with every step he took. He was almost at the base of the stairs now, amused, and quite obviously appreciating the scenery before him. "What's wrong with a little mud..? It's good for the constitution."

You watched him casually grab the rail, his foot resting on the very first tread; his eyes taking in every inch of you. And with another backwards step, you replied, "It may very well be... But you know what it's not good for..?" Running your hand over your hip, you picked up the delicate silk between your fingers, a move that only seemed to intensify his appreciating gaze, but you continued anyway, your voice full of warning, "This ludicrously expensive and delicate silk."

Tommy shrugged his shoulders, moving another step up the staircase, running his hands through his filthy muddy hair, "I'll admit, it's very beautiful and its done nothing to offend me... but its days are numbered." Tommy held your gaze, his feet taking another tread upwards, and the fear you felt for your beautiful red lingerie became tainted with anticipation, your cheeks flushing with heat when he announced, "I'm more interested in what lies beneath." You bit your bottom lip and glanced behind you, a half-hearted attempt to find an escape, but he teased, "You'll never make it... I'm faster than you." And as the last word left his mouth, you spun around and ran for it, giggles spilling from your lips.

Quick to react, Tommy leaped up the stairs, two steps at a time, catching you around the waist just as you reached the door of your bedroom. Spinning you around, he pulled you towards him, holding you flush against his body, taking you with him until he pinned you against the door. Breathless, he kissed your collarbone, getting lost in the scent of your skin, causing his fingers to grab and knead at your waist. And with a deep breath, he dragged his lips along the length of your neck, stopping only to nibble on your lobe and murmur, as the delicate silk tore easily beneath his grip, "I promise... tomorrow I'll buy you one in every colour." 

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