Honey Cake (Alfie Solomons x Reader)

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Gif not mine - source unknown

Summary: It's not often you get to wake up in the arms of your baker man Alfie, he's usually gone well before you start your day.A/N: I'm really starting to enjoy writing for Alfie. I hope it shows

Word Count: 669

Warnings: It gets a little heated, references to naked bodies. The F word :0

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

You woke up to the touch of Alfie's chin resting gently in the crook of your neck, his strong arm pulling you towards him, nestling his warm chest snug against your back

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You woke up to the touch of Alfie's chin resting gently in the crook of your neck, his strong arm pulling you towards him, nestling his warm chest snug against your back... an instinctive reaction whenever he sensed you stirring from your slumber. You loved these mornings... the mornings you woke to find he was yet to sneak out at some ungodly hour, to attend to some matter of 'business' which he refused to let you know anything about. As much as you knew what his day to day work entailed... and as much as you knew you could handle it, you still found it completely adorable that he felt the need to protect you from the darker more questionable aspects of his work. So you were more than willing to play along and keep him content, if it was going to help him sleep better at night... After all, he really was a sweet and squishy teddy bear under all that Camden Town roughness... well, at least for you he was anyway.

With gentle pressure you pushed the crook of your neck against his lips. In return he kissed you there, a soft wave of delight rolling down your back in response, the quiet murmur passing your lips ensuring him that his efforts were not wasted. Starting at your shoulder, he ran his hand along the length of your arm. His touch was so gentle and slow, yet his skin was enticingly rough, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. When he reached your wrist, his fingers ran over the back of your hand, before entwining them with yours, wrapping your hand within his palm. If it was even possible, he pulled you closer, the warm breath of his raspy morning voice tickling as he whispered against your ear, "Good mornin' sleepy."

Slipping your hand from his gentle grip, you lifted his fingers to your lips, giving them a sweet kiss, taking a long and satisfying breath before speaking. "This is a nice surprise. You didn't tell me you were going to start late this morning."

Alfie's lips lightly caressed along the edge of your ear, the sensation was exquisite torture and you coudn't help but shiver with pleasure. Tightening his grip back around your middle, he spoke again, his cheek now resting against yours, "I'm not startin' late this mornin.' I'm not startin' at all today."

Within his tight embrace you somehow managed to spin around, your expression brightening his features with amusement, his eyes taking a lingering moment to admire your soft warm chest as it nestled against him. "What on earth do you mean, Alfie..? It's the middle of the week."

Without any warning, he rolled onto his back, taking you with him as if you were nothing but a feather, his body shifting appealingly beneath you as his strong hands grabbed firmly at your hips. Lifting his head, his lips sought yours and you didn't leave them wanting, yet before you had your fill he pulled away, their absence leaving you hungry. Running his hands over the curve of your backside, into the gentle hollow of your back they came to settle firmly around your waist, his breath hitching slightly at the touch, before settling his head back against the pillow.

Moving his eyes around your face they drank up the perfect sight, sending you devotion and love, need and want in return, leaving you weak with bliss, his words doing nothing to help you recover. "What I mean is... I've been spendin' too much time tendin' to all the honey cakes at work and neglectin' the most important one." Reaching down, he grabbed at your thighs, hitching them over his waist, losing his hands within your hair he guided your head to his, allowing only your lips to gently brush against his as he spoke again. "So stop distractin' me and let me get to work, cause I'm gonna tend to that honey cake... even if it takes me all fuckin day."

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated

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Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

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