Arthur Shelby having a soft spot for you would include:

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A/N: This is my first headcanon in forever. Might do something similar with Alfie, what do you guys think?

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

•	Arthur had a soft spot for you from the moment he first saw you working behind the counter at the Garrison

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• Arthur had a soft spot for you from the moment he first saw you working behind the counter at the Garrison.

• You looked so out of place to be working as a barmaid, you were far too beautiful and eloquent to work in a place like that and it made him wonder what circumstances brought you to a place like Small Heath.

• Not that he was going to complain about it.

• He came to learn that you sadly lost your husband on the battlefields of France and had no choice but to find a job to support both yourself and your young boy.

• And he took it upon himself to make sure you got paid rather handsomely for your work.

• Tommy had shown an interest in you straight away, you were exactly his type, but surprisingly, you had no interest in Tommy.

• And he never dared to believe it was because you had a soft spot for him.

• He never once noticed how your gaze would flicker towards him, whenever you would politely turn down Tommy's advances.

• But Tommy noticed and soon left you alone.

• Every man who frequented the bar soon realised you were off-limits.

• Maybe it had something to do with the death stare they received from him, anytime their eyes lingered upon you in an unsavoury way.

• And he loved that you seemed to relax and smile more, now that they left you alone to do your work.

• Because that smile was worth a million pounds. Every time he saw it his heart grew warm and fuzzy, not realising that a stupid grin would plaster his face almost every time he saw it.

• And don't even get him started on your laugh. It had to be the single most beautiful sound in the world... the joy he felt whenever he was the one to draw it from your lips, was the purest kind of joy he had ever experienced.

• Before long, he found himself actively trying to make you laugh, he was surprisingly good at it... and it never failed to make his day.

• You saw him at his best and his worst and he could never understand why he didn't terrify you... because he terrified everyone else.

• He can still remember, the night he came into the Garrison, tense, on edge and ready to explode. He didn't think you were working and never would have shown up there if he had known.

• Barreling up to the bar, he demanded a drink, not even noticing you until you placed the whisky in front of him, your hands resting gently on his tight fists upon the counter.

• When his eyes fell to your hands, he knew it was you, he would recognise those hands anywhere. And when he lifted his gaze to yours, he saw nothing but concern and sweetness in your eyes.

• All his anger just melted away, as your soft warm fingers rubbed gently back and forth across his rough skin.

• That was the moment, unrequited or not, that he knew he loved you. Knew that his feelings for you well and truly surpassed any innocent infatuation... he wanted you in every way imaginable.

• And the time he saw you in the streets of Small Heath, watched from afar as you knelt down to tie the lace of your sweet boy's boot. Giving him a kiss and a tight cuddle, before standing back up and taking his tiny hand in yours, left his heart aching.

• He wanted that little boy to be his son, wanted to care and provide for you both... to be part of that perfect little picture... to add to that perfect little picture, with a perfect little bundle of you and him. A bundle he could hold in his arms as he walked beside you, your little boy holding your hand and clutching at the side of his trousers.

• He wanted to give you everything... and everybody knew it. He was never one able to hide his emotions and desires very well.

• But he would never dream of making any advances... because in his head he was not even close to being good enough for you.

• So one evening when he walked into the Garrison, he got the biggest most glorious surprise that left him a nervous fumbling mess.

• He arrived early enough in the evening that there were only a few scattered patrons filling the chairs... and there you were standing behind the bar, your face radiating the most stunning smile when he walked through the doors.

• Placing a whiskey in his hands, you looked at him and smiled, your words leaving him speechless and blushing, "Arthur Shelby... when are going to ask me out for dinner... I've been waiting so patiently for far too long."

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think

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Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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