Alfie Solomons having a soft spot for you would include: (headcanon)

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Warnings: None really (some swearing... it is Alfie afterall).

A/N: This is my first ever attempt writing for Alfie, I would love to know what you think.

Please feel free to message or comment, your feedback is always appreciated.

•	Alfie just happened to be front of house when you came to his bakery one morning

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• Alfie just happened to be front of house when you came to his bakery one morning.

• You were impossible to ignore, you brightened the whole store with your gorgeous smile.

• Greeting the shopkeeper with a familiar tone, you asked for your usual and Alfie couldn't help but add another loaf to your order, "Here, you should try this one, yeah..?" Looking to his worker, he added, "No charge... alright?"

• You gave him a small smile and nodded your head, your voice ringing sweetly in his ears, "Thank you... Mr..?"

• Shaking his head, he added another loaf amongst your pile, "Alfie... just call me Alfie."

• Nibbling on your bottom lip, you spoke quietly as your gaze travelled to your feet, "Thank you... Alfie." Now he wasn't quite sure if you were a shy girl or just pretending, but either way it sent a wave of heavy thumps through his chest. You were adorable.

• But he found himself a little disappointed when you paid and left without offering your name. Although you made up for it when you turned and gave him a breathtaking smile as you opened the door to leave.

• As soon as the door closed behind you, he turned to his worker, "I might have ta fuckin' come out here a little more often... how often does that lovely lady come in?"

• The shopkeeper half smiled, "(YN)..? She's been coming in here for years... it's always the same time and same order... She comes in for her mother, who doesn't get around so well."

• "(YN), hmmmm," he liked the way your name sounded on his lips. Lifting his palms from their spot on the counter, he dusted them off down the front of his shirt, almost mumbling to himself as he made his way out the back, "Looks like I'm fuckin comin back tomorrow then... doesn't it?"

• And he did, he was there every morning for the next week... hardly subtle about his feelings for you, but at the same time hesitant to let you into his world. You seemed far to sweet and innocent to be drawn in by a man like him.

• So instead, everyday he would give you something new to try.

• And every following morning you would arrive with a smile, telling him how much you enjoyed it and it only encouraged him more. Fuck, did he love that smile!

• It wasn't long after, that one of his rather foul natured workers took an unnatural liking to you, stupidly having no idea of his boss's feelings for you.

• And the day he decided to follow you home, attempting to force some unwanted physical attention on you, turned out to be his last.

• When the news reached Alfie, he was over taken with rage, an unbridled rage that he had never felt before.

• The consequences of such rage leaving every other man in Camden Town under no illusion. If they messed with you... when you did not want to be messed with... then they messed with their own lives.

• And it was after that little incident, he decided that maybe being drawn in by a man like him, may not be so bad for you after all.

• Because if you would have him... then surely, no other man would dare harm a single hair on your head.

• So come the next morning, he was not waiting in the bakery for you, completely unaware of your disappointment when you stepped in the store to find him missing.

• The shopkeeper had your usual order set to go and as you smiled and packed it into your basket, he pulled another basket from behind the counter, "Alfie gives his apologies, Miss... He could not be here this morning." Placing the basket filled with all kinds of baked goodies on the counter, he added, "But he asked me to give this instead."

• Waiting patiently across the street, he watched as you walked in with your empty basket and later walk out with it full of your family's daily bread... and another basket filled with a few extras of course.

• Quickly, he made his way across the road to you, noticing your expression as your eyes studied the contents of the basket. It was endearing and full of affection and he couldn't remember a single moment in all his life where one look had filled his heart with so much hope an contentment.

• Reaching your side, he greeted you good morning, your delighted surprise unmistakeable as you looked up to him, "Alfie! I thought you were busy..."

• Taking the baskets from your struggling arms, he almost grinned, "Well, I couldn't let you walk home by yourself carrying all of this now... yeah?"

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