Carrying Thomas Shelby's baby would include:

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Credit to the Gif creator

Warnings: None

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

*When you first tell Tommy you're carrying his baby, he is quiet before a soft smile spreads across his entire face.He has been under a lot of pressure recently and his smiles rarely reach his eyes, but this news has his crystal eyes sparkling.

*Before he says a word he reaches his arms around your waist and gently picks you up, slowly spinning around on his feet, gently setting you back down he places tender hands to the sides of your face, your lips meeting in a sweet kiss, "That's the best news I've had all year."

*Tommy has always been fiercely protective of you, but now... god help the poor soul that harms a single hair on your head.

*At first, you are not allowed to lift a finger, it was quite frustrating really. Yet before long, he realised you were only humouring him and you did what you needed to do when he was not around anyway.

*A little amused, he knew he should have known better than to try and boss you around and he soon let you be.

*You were so sick for the first four months, you could barely keep any food in your belly, making him worry for both you and the baby.

*Only able to keep porridge and dry biscuits down, you walked into the kitchen one morning to find the cupboards full of oats and your favourite brand of biscuits, bringing an affectionate smile to your lips.

*He actually tried to spend as much time as possible with you and came to every single doctor's appointment, finding the best doctor in all of Birmingham.

*He never expected to love your growing belly, but oh... he did, unable to keep his hands from rubbing it tenderly.

*When he first felt the baby move, his expression spoke for him as he waited patiently for another movement, looking up to you his eyes were filled with amazement as he gently shook his head.

*Finding the little babe most active at night, he would happily lay awake with his arm resting across your belly, completely in awe of the growing life inside of you and amazed that you could sleep through all the movements.

*He loved to stand in the doorway when you were completely unaware of his presence, sitting by the fire with your hand protectively around your tummy as you spoke to it, your voice already filled with so much love. You were going to much such a wonderful mother.

*One night he came over and kissed your forehead, before kneeling down in front of you, leaning down he almost pressed his lips to your belly, "Hello little one, I hope you're being good to your mother."

*When the baby reacted to the sound of his voice an indescribable feeling took over, wondering how on earth someone he hasn't even met could bring such a feeling of devotion and love.

*Always willing to relieve your aching back and feet with countless massages.

*Always quietly in awe that you could grow a little person in there.

*Coming up behind you and kissing the nape of your neck as his arms stretch around your growing middle, secretly loving how it gets a little harder with each passing week.

*When the big day finally arrives your water breaks at his feet and without a moment of hesitation, he sends for the doctor, before guiding you upstairs to your room where he cleans you up before putting you in bed.

*When Polly and the doctor arrive they try and send him from the room, but he tells them flatly, "I'm not going anywhere," as he sits down beside you taking your hand in his.

*Wiping the beads of sweat from your forehead.

*Suprised at your strength when you grip his fingers during your growing contractionsUtter pride in your strength and courage when the labour continues into the night.

*When the baby cries out for the first time, he has never heard a more welcomed sound.

*Watching as the doctor places the tiny wriggling babe to your chest, you lean down placing a feather light kiss to the little one's fragile silky head, never had he seen a more natural and beautiful sight.

*And when you reached up and placed that little bundle of pure perfection into his waiting arms, he felt as if his heart would burst... so much love for such a tiny little person, knowing there was not a thing in the world that he wouldn't do for the pair of you... his own little family.

Please feel free to send me a message or comment, I would love to know what you think.

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