Missing (Thomas Shelby x Reader One shot)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: When (YN) doesn't arrive at their meeting place in time Tommy becomes concerned.

Word Count: 753

Warnings: Angst, worry and concern.

A/N: I hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

Tommy was in a panic, you hadn't arrived at the stables yet. Feeling his stomach twisting into knots he swallowed thickly, you were never late, why were you late today? Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm his racing heart and think through this clearly, but when he picked up his pocket watch, he felt his heart speeding up again, you should have been here an hour ago, yet no-one at the stables had seen you all day. Tommy put his cigarette between his lips and breathed the smoke deep into his lungs, blowing it into the cold air around him and automatically his thoughts fell to all the people who wanted to hurt him, there were a lot of them and some of these bastards were smart. They knew he didn't care much for himself, but you? Now that was an entirely different story. You were definitely his weakness and he had tried so hard to keep his distance, yet somehow you weaved your way into his life and now he found it impossible to stay away.

Walking back and forth in the same spot, he bit his bottom lip, desperately wanting to leave and search for you, but he couldn't, what if you turned up and he wasn't here, besides, he had already sent most of the stable workers out to find for you. Tommy tried hard not to let his distressing thoughts wander, but the thought of someone taking you and causing you harm, brought a physical pain to his chest and head. And the very idea that they would do it to spite him and bring him down, left him feeling hollow inside. It would destroy him to know if a single hair on your head was harmed because he loved you.

As you made your way towards Tommy, you watched how he paced back and forth, his face looking panicked and pale, making you wonder what horrible news he had for you. Never had you seen him looking so distressed, he was normally so calm, almost unreadable, but even from this distance his anguish was unmistakable. With panic of your own finding its way to the surface, your legs began to move a little faster, "Tommy, what's happened?"

At the sound of your voice, he stopped dead in his tracks, his head snapping up in your direction and the look of pure relief you saw on his features was unmistakable. Throwing his cigarette to the ground, he closed the gap between you with eager strides, pulling you tight into his chest, noticing how he breathed in the scent of your hair. A little shocked you just stood there, your words lost to the confusion swirling in your head. When he spoke, his voice was weak with emotion, "Where have you been, I have half of Birmingham searching for you?"

Moving your head back to see his face, you watched his crystal eyes as they took you in, drinking up every single feature as if he hadn't seen them in years. When his eyes finally settled upon yours, you spoke, "Whatever do you mean Tommy, I'm not late am I?" Taking a step back from him, you glanced at your watch to check the time, finding that you were actually a little early. Still confused, you spoke again, "I said I would be here by three o'clock and it's only 2.30, so why are you so worried, I'm fine."

Taking a calming breath, Tommy put a hand to your face and rubbed his thumb gently across your cheek, his lips giving a little smile in relief, "I thought we said one o'clock." Shaking his head, his expression grew heavy, "When you didn't show up I thought someone had taken you." Moving his hand to the nape of your neck, he weaved his fingers softly through your hair. Reaching down he placed his lips to yours in a tender kiss and the emotion it held took your breath away. Resting his forehead to yours he closed his eyes and sighed with contentment and with the tips of your noses touching he wrapped his arms tight around you once more. The feeling of his embrace was so warming and his worry and concern overwhelmed you. Never did you realise just how much he cared. Moving your hands to either side of his face, you looked into his beautiful eyes giving him a smile, your voiced laced with emotion and love, "Maybe I should go missing more often."

Please, feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

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