Fuckin' Irreplaceable (Alfie Solomons x Reader - One shot)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: Alfie arrives at your house, just like he does at the end of everyday, but today, something isn't right.A/N: I've been writing a lot of fluff lately, and felt like a bit of angst instead... so, here you go.

Word Count: 1550

Warnings: Descriptions of violent scenes and A LOT of cursing. This is about Alfie after all.

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

Alfie's knuckles wrapped against your front door, hearing nothing but a cold horrible silence in return

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Alfie's knuckles wrapped against your front door, hearing nothing but a cold horrible silence in return. Knocking again, this time much more impatiently, he waited only long enough to feel his whole chest compress, pushing out all available oxygen from his lungs. Turning around, his eyes searched the street, finding nothing out of the ordinary. One of his men sat in a car just a couple of doors down, keeping a lookout, just like he always did if you were ever home alone. There were children laughing and playing football across the street as people made their way home from work, but it didn't feel right. Something felt off. Taking a jagged breath, Alfie's whole body stiffened, his face grew tense and his hands transformed into hard fists at his side. It wasn't like you to not be where you said you would be.

For so long, he had loved you... But for so long, he fought to keep himself from dragging you into his life. The very thought that you... someone so sweet... so pure, could be burdened or harmed by the kinds of shadows that lurked among his everyday life, terrified him... and he was not a man easily terrified... And the very thought you could be harmed, even just the tiniest bit because he wasn't strong enough to keep from loving you... would destroy him. There would be no getting over it.

Forcing his fist open, he reached into his pocket, his fingers clenching around his keys. Fumbling through them in search of yours, he cursed, "FUCK... so many fuckin' keys" All the while his head played through the worst kind of scenarios. The worst of them all, involving Sabini. He was the reason that Alfie finally gave in... breaking his own rule to keep you out of his life. That fuckin Sabini had taken a liking to you. Taken a big fuckin' liking to you. And the very thought of that filthy bastard laying one single finger to your head sent him crazy with rage, convincing himself he could do a far better job protecting you than that prick, who was too bloody spineless to do his own dirty work. Yeah... he could do a much better job... and he was willing to do it with his own two hands.

You had been his better half for well over a year now, and he was happy to admit to himself with complete honesty, that it had been the best time in his life... He adored you... you adored him, and it was now impossible to imagine an existence without you in it. But Sabini. He had become a problem. He wanted you for himself... to be his little plaything... to lock you up in a fancy apartment, to dress you fancy clothes... to visit you, and have you whenever the need took him... and it turned Alfie's normally iron gut weak... made him sick. And now, after more than a year of being with Alfie, that sick fucker Sabini, grew restless, waiting for you to grow tired and bored of the worthless baker from Camden Town. He grew bold and shameless, trying to seduce you with money and jewels as if you were a high-class whore... as if your love could be bought at any price... But to Alfie, your love was priceless... priceless and fuckin' irreplaceable.

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