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"I just told you we can't do this! Are you stupid?"
Only five minutes had passed since you started studying together and you were already fighting.

Ran was just looking at both of you, enjoying the sight of you two bickering and trying not to laugh.

"I don't care! We're gonna do this either way!" He replied, taking your pen from your hands.

"Rindou! Give me my pen! We can't write this, we have a specific topic to talk about! Fucking idiot!" You pulled him by his arm trying to lower him and get your pen back.

"First, this is not your pen because I gave it to you. Second, I told you I don't fucking care. It's my house and we do as I say." He pushed you on the sofa to make you leave his arm but at the same time not to hurt you.

"It doesn't mean anything if this is your house! You don't own the project, the teacher assigned it to- oh my gosh!"

As the stubborn girl you were, you didn't let his arm go, so he just fell on you almost crashing you. Luckily for you, he was quick enough to hold his weight by placing his hands on the big sofa on the sides of your head, so he didn't actually crash you.

"Wow wow! Let me take a pic, that position is so hot!" Ran laughed holding his stomach. "No wonder if you get a boner soon lil bro"

You shut your eyes close thinking you were going to die, but after a few seconds you opened them just to find Rindou's face right in front of you.
You breathed heavily and let your eyes wander on your bodies that were weirdly close. You widened your eyes in horror as soon as you realized your skirt, that was already short, was completely lifted up, revealing your panties. Fuck.

Rindou tilted his head in confusion.
"What are you looking at-" he lowered his head "No! I mean-Nothing!" You interrupted him and cupped his cheeks, not letting him look down. You couldn't even close your legs because he was right between them.

"Nice panties Y/n!" Ran laughed even more, but you glared daggers at him so he immediately stopped "Come on I was joking~" he turned his head to another direction not to look at you.
As he heard Ran, Rindou slightly blushed.

"Can I get up?" He suddenly spoke.

"No- I mean... Yes but no.." you blushed and immediately removed your hands from his cheeks, just looking down to avoid his gaze.

He sighed "Let me get up, I promise I won't look at you" his voice was a little bit softer. You nodded after remaining silent for a bit.

He then got up and gave you his hand to help you do the same, looking at you in the eyes.
You fixed your skirt and held his hand, getting up as well and letting out a relieved sigh.
"Thank you.." you whispered, still embarassed.

"Uhm yeah.. you're welcome" he scratched the back of his neck and suddenly regained his usual composure "Let's study" he went to sit at the table and opened his books.

You looked at him shocked, he really meant it when he said he wanted to study. Wow..
He had never been like that..

You just shook your head to wipe away your thoughts and sat next to him, helping him find the informations for the project.

Four hours had passed, and you spent them studying and fighting too, of course.
"Oh look!" You pointed at a specific paragraph of the page you were reading "This is interesting"

"If you say so.." he gave a lazy look at the paragraph and added other points to the concept map he did. "I think we have enough arguments to talk about now..."

"Yes.. we can divide the work now! Four arguments for me and four for you. You can choose yours, I don't mind mines. Then we'll put everything together"

"Fine" he nodded and then looked at the map, choosing his arguments. He wanted to work as little as possible so he took his time to pick the topics wisely.

You let him do, looking at him silently.
Suddenly you blushed again as you had a vision of what happened before. His body on yours while you were both on the sofa. You saw again his veiny neck, his broad shoulders, you could even smell his scent, fresh from the shower he had just taken-wait, what?!

You shook your head trying not to think about it.
What the fuck was that?! You hated Rindou!
Why were you thinking about it?
It was just an accident!

You sighed, rubbing your forehead with your hand.

"Are you tired?" He looked at you while he was putting away his books and you nodded "It's normal, we studied for almost five hours"

"Yeah.. I should go home" you yawned and stood up, putting on your coat and grabbing your purse.

Ran, who passed by Rindou, elbowed him without you even knowing.

"A-ehm.. uhh.. let me take you home" he put on his coat too and grabbed his car keys.

"Oh nonono don't bother, please! I can take the bus" you smiled nervously.
This morning you just wanted to kill each other and now you were acting like this. Weirdos.

"It's okay, I insist. Plus it's getting dark" he scratched the back of his neck, looking out the window "Let's go, I'll be back in a few minutes Ran"

"Sure, bye Y/n-chan~" Ran waved at you, smirking. You waved back at him forcing a smile.

You got in the car with Rindou and he started driving silently.

"You can come at mine next time, if you want.." you broke the silence that was getting embarassing. "It's not as big as yours but-"

"I don't mind it." He briefly looked at you then looked back at the road "I don't think the wealth of a person is an important thing... I prefer smaller houses anyways. Mine is too big and sometimes I even get lost"

"Oh.." you stared at him quite shocked.
Was it Rindou Haitani? The always rude guy who even threatened to hit you?
You realized he could actually be nice, wow.

He parked right in front of your house"We're here"
His voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you looked around.

"Thank you so much, Rindou" you lightly smiled, earning a smile back from him "So you hate me a little less now?"

"Huh? No way! I still hate you, your brother and your friends too!" you puffed your cheeks and looked outside the window of the car, crossing your arms.

"Yeah sure. Then I still hate you too" he shook his head, smiling teasingly.

"Ugh fuck you" you rolled your eyes and hopped out of his car "See you on Monday, fucker"

"Yes, see you on Monday, idiot" he looked at you go out of the car and and enter your house.

He then drove home, thinking about the half day he had spent with you.


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