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"Rindou! Put me down! Now!" You screamed, hitting the male's back, who lifted you up on his shoulder.

"Say sorry and I will think about it" he laughed and smacked the back of your thigh harshly, making you yelp.

"Ah-! N-never! Why do I have to say sorry for something you did?! Put me down dumb fuck!"

"Fine!" He grabbed you by your waist and smashed you on the sofa that, to your luck, was very soft.
He then trapped you between his arms and stared at you, towering your body with his muscular one "You tore my paper sheet!"

"What!? You literally took it from my hands tearing it! You could have just asked to have it back!" You slapped his chest, trying to get up "Let me go!"

"Say sorry." He smirked, not moving even a bit.

You rolled your eyes and bit your lip in annoyance, looking at him in the eyes. Your gesture made him tilt his head and silently stare at you.
"Okay I'm so sorry, now let me go." You crossed your arms under your chest. But you heard no answer and felt no movements.

"Oi! Let- what are you doing?" You tilted your head too, noticing he was staring at you.

"I- Uhhhh nothing nothing haha" he laughed nervously, coming to his senses and he stood up, helping you do the same.

Two months had passed since that day when you first went to his house, and you were now really good friends.

You told him about Baji, and he told you about his mother. You shared your deepest secrets, feelings and fears to each other. You trusted him more than anyone at that point.

You couldn't believe it could actually happen, but here you were, joking and laughing with him, feeling comfortable around him and wanting to spend more time with RinRin.
Yeah, that was the nickname you always used to call him when you wanted to be extra nice.

"We have a month left to deliver the project, you know?" You smiled and looked at the laptop at the job you both had done.

"Yes, but we finished early, and it came out pretty good" he sat next to you

"Pretty good? It's actually perfect, I can't wait for the professor to read it" you chuckled in excitement "Good grades are coming, give me five" Rindou smiled at your reaction and gave you five

"Wanna sleep over?"

"Oi Rindou just say it if you want to fuck Y/n-chan" Ran laughed, coming from his room and drinking his caprisun.

"Are you serious?! I just said it because it's late!" he snapped and pushed his brother by his chest, while the older couldn't stop his laugh"Suuuuure it's late, you're such a perv lil bro"

"It's okay for me" you smiled, rubbing your arm and blushing at your words. They stopped bickering and looked at you, both surprised.

"Oh...wow" Rindou said. He didn't expect you to agree at all and Ran showed a teasing grin "Ohhh I get it you want to fuck each oth-"

"RAN!" You and Rindou both screamed in unison, causing Ran to burst into laughing "Okay okaaaaaay~"

"Ugh don't mind him please, you know how he is" he shook his head "You can take a shower if you want, follow me"

You went upstairs with Rin who showed you his bedroom where you were both sleeping that night and he also showed you his bathroom.

"I'll be right back with some towels..." he spoke embarrassed.

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