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"Thank you for the ride" you sighed and took off the helmet Rindou gave you.

After that night in which you slept over at Rindou's, you both didn't talk about the hot kiss you shared and you acted as if nothing happened.
Not that it was a good thing..

"No problem, why don't you come here with your car instead of taking the bus? I hate buses" he frowned and got off his bike.

"Because my mom needs it to go to work. She'd let me use the car everytime I want but she'd be the one taking the bus and I don't want that" you shrugged.

"You have a point" and you both started walking to the entrance.

"Listen" he cleared his throat "Me and my brother are hosting a party tonight and lots of people from the college are coming... I'll be happy if you could come too, you can also bring your friends as well"

"That would be amazing, I'll talk to them and let you know okay?"

He nodded in agreement and shifted his attention to a group of girls, while still walking with you.
You could tell he was eyeing them from head to toe.

At that moment, you felt something strange piercing your heart. A really bad sensation.
But what was that?
Why were you mad?

He wasn't your boyfriend and you weren't his girlfriend so... What was the point of getting mad if he looked at other girls?

"Uhm... I have to go, class starts in five mins" you forced a smile "See you later.."

"Yeah see you later Y/n"

You took a deep breath to calm down and tightened the grip of your hand around the backpack strap "Fuck, there's no way I'm jealous." You whispered while heading to class.

After all the morning lessons you and your friends reunited in the college canteen to have lunch together, even if you were not in the right mood.

"Y/n forgot how to talk today" Yuzuha sat at the table with the others.

In fact, you didn't talk to her for the whole morning. Well, you didn't talk in general, you were too focused on thinking about what you saw.

"That's not true.." you murmured, sitting too and placing your tray on the table.

"Oh wow I was scared I forgot your voice" the red haired girl rolled her eyes.

"What happened?" Senju asked in curiosity, staring at you while filling her mouth with food.

"I was with Rindou before all the lessons started and.. he looked at other girls.. more like stared" you sighed, annoyed by the fact you had to admit that what he did bothered you, a lot.

All your friends just stood silent, they knew too well what was going on in your mind. The only one who didn't know was you.

"You know what it means, right?" Hina tilted her head.

"I don't, honestly. And I want to forget about it as soon as possible if I can"

"I don't think it will be that easy.. you're-"

"Don't even dare to say that word." You cut Emma off before she said the word you feared the most.

"You're jealous, Y/n. You're jealous as fuck, and I'm sorry for you" Senju spoke, nonchalantly.
That time you couldn't stop her from saying it.

Were you really jealous?
You didn't even know if you liked him.
No you didn't, it was impossible for you to like him. Being friends was already enough for both of you, considering the fact that two months ago you were always at each others' throats.

"Just tell him you like him, you'll feel much lighter after telling him" Emma encouraged you.

"The fact is that I don't even know if it's something serious.." you rubbed your hands on your face.
Nobody said a word. The situation was more fucked up than it seemed.

"Anyways.. he invited me to a party at his mansion tonight and he said you can all come too" you broke the silence.

"Seems fun, we're coming" Senju smiled and finished her lunch.

You then went home without even telling anyone.
You didn't see Rindou the whole day and this made your thoughts become ten times heavier.
What if he was with those girls?

"Hey sweetie.. you seem sad" your mother approached you and sat next to you, caressing your shoulder "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"I don't know" you closed your eyes and sighed.
Your mom was more like a sister who you would always tell everything. Your thoughts, feelings, you even talked about every topic since she was very open-minded.

"What's wrong? Something about Rindou?" And she knew even before you what was bothering you.

You nodded, biting your lip "We were walking to the entrance of the college together and I saw him staring at other girls"

She sighed, smiling lightly "You like him don't you?"

"At this point, I think I really like him.. even Senju and the others told me I do.." you rubbed your hands on your face to relieve some of the tension you were keeping in "What scares me the most is that I don't know if he feels the same.."

What if he doesn't? You could already see yourself getting your heart broken because of him rejecting you.

"Well, you'll never know if you don't tell him" she kissed your temple "The party is tonight, right? You can go and tell him how you feel"

"And if he rejects me?"

"Well, then, you'll find another man better than Rindou" she smiled "You're too pretty and too nice to suffer for a man, trust me sweetie" and with that, she hugged you tight and kissed your forehead.


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