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"Mph" he hummed, not breaking the kiss he was sharing with Mia.


The girl didn't even bother stopping either and just grinded more on him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Rindou Haitani."

No answer.

Ran immediately snapped and grabbed Mia by her arm, detaching her from Rindou and violently slamming her on the ground "Go away"

"Ran-" Rindou sighed and looked at his older brother.

"Excuse ME-" Mia was about to start arguing with her high-pitched voice.

"I said go away!" Ran stared deep into her eyes.
His voice sent shivers down her spine. If he could slap her in the face he would immediately do it but to her luck he didn't even dare hitting women. She immediately got up, fixed her outfit and exited their mansion.

"Finally." The older Haitani put his hands on his waist and looked at Rindou "What the hell are you doing with your life?"

"I'm actually trying to go on, you know?"

"With Mia? That bitch?"

"Don't call her that." The younger Haitani immediately got defensive and shot a bad look at his older brother.

"Rindou for fuck's sake! She's manipulating you just for the money! Don't you get it?!"

"Don't start again with this bullshit" he got up and started walking towards his room.

"Oh no no no! Where do you think you're going bro?!" Ran grabbed Rindou by his arm and slammed him on the sofa "Were having a talk. You can't just stand up and go away like that! Fucking idiot"

"Oi watch your mouth!" Rindou jumped on his brother so they both fell on the ground. Being on top, Rindou was about to punch his older brother but Ran gripped both his wrists in time, stopping him.

"Are you out of your mind? This is the third time you try and punch me! What did I even do to you?!" He purposely banged heads with him.

"Ah! Shit!! Ran I swear to God I-" he placed his hand on his forehead massaging it but he also received a strong slap on his right cheek from his brother. This caused him to stop and widen his eyes in astonishment. He didn't even feel pain, but the fact that his older brother slapped him shocked him.


"I said stop! Soon after you started dating that whore you became helpless Rindou!" Ran stood up, towering his little brother "I don't care if you'll end up hating me, I will oppose my whole self against this relationship! May be the last thing I do for you! I just want you to be happy and to live a good life, and you're not happy like that! Not with her!"

"And who I should be happy with?! Tell me Ran! You have not the burden I and only I have! You're the older brother, the better one, the one who was born first! You didn't push our mother away! Because of me she hated and still hates us!" Tears started rolling down his cheeks and he groaned, wiping them away "Fuck I didn't want to cry! I hate you" He kicked the sofa "I will never be happy! Never!"

"Rindou-" Ran felt a little bad for his brother, but he knew this was the only way to change his mind.

"No! Stop! Stop telling me what to do! You're not my dad, you're not my mom! You're no one to me! I'm tired of you telling me what to do! I will never be happy and if you really want me to feel better just leave! I want to be alone!" He sat on the sofa and covered his face with his hands as he started crying, feeling his heart ache.

Ran wasn't hurt by his little brother's words.
He knew he didn't mean that.
He knew Rindou was just angry, pissed and hurt by the whole situation.

He just walked closer to his little brother, sat beside him and hugged him tight "I know the thing you want the most isn't me to leave but a hug, so here you go" he rested his head against his and slowly rocked him, trying to calm him down "You're bearing a useless burden, Rindou. Our mother didn't leave because you were born, but because she was just an irresponsible person and she didn't and doesn't deserve us. She would have been a useless mother anyways. It's better not having her around, trust me."

"I-I'm sorry" he shivered and snuggled more to him, seeking protection from his older brother "I need Mia... Or else I'll miss her too much..." he sobbed out, hoping he didn't hear his words.

"If you still think about Y/n even being with Mia this means just one thing and you know what Rin" he sighed, looking at him and gently wiping the tear away from his cheek "You hurt her a lot you know that? When I called her she was destroyed.."

"I just got jealous when I saw her with Sanzu, I thought she liked him.. and seeing her smile with him after we kissed the night before made me really mad" he sniffled "So, at the party I found Mia and she told me things about Y/n.. I believed her, she really seemed to understand me... but-"

"She was just playing with your problems. Y/n was the one who really understood you, not Mia. She's not like Y/n and she will never be." Ran sighed "Plus you didn't even accompanied her to deliver the project..."

"I know, I've been a complete asshole... But I love her, I really do.. and I don't even know where she is, she's not even attending college anymore" he wiped his last tears away with Ran's shirt, not having any tissue near him.

"Will you leave Mia..?"

No answer.

"Rindou, I asked you a question" Ran insisted "If you really love Y/n, you gotta leave Mia. It's obvious. You're not dependant of her, and she's not better than anyone. She's shit, the best girl for you is Y/n and you know that. You both were way happier when you were in good terms" Ran sighed and caressed his little brother's hair, knowing his fears "And you should be scared of remaining alone if you leave Mia. You have me, Sanzu, the gang. You will never be alone"

"Leave Mia and I'll tell you what Y/n has been up to recently" he added.

Rindou immediately lifted his eyes up to him "You knew were Y/n was and you didn't tell me?" He bit his cheek internally, getting mad.

"Sanzu and I agreed on not telling you, since you seemed not to care about her. Don't be mad at us, it's your fault for believing Mia."

The younger Haitani shook his head hopelessly "If I leave Mia-"

"Rindou... Are you serious? You're not some random pussy, you're Rindou Fucking Haitani for fuck's sake."

Rindou sighed, massaging his forehead with his hands.

"Break up with Mia and help Y/n, she really needs it now"


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