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"Mom! A friend is coming over this afternoon, we have to do a science project together" you walked in the kitchen, where your mom was making a delicious chocolate cake.

A week after that day, Saturday to be precise, Rindou was coming at yours. And you were a bit tense after seeing his house.

Not that yours was extremely small, it was normal. But his mansion made you feel so little compared to him, even if he reassured you about that topic.

"Sounds fun, sweetie. Is it a male or a female friend?" Your mom lightly smiled.

"It's a guy.." you replied, shyly. Your mum wasn't used to see you with male friends, because you hated guys. You would always tell her they were just stupid and that you couldn't stand them.

"Ohhhh I see" she smirked.

"Oh no don't do that mom!" You immediately blushed "It's not what you think!"

"So it's just a friend? What a pity... Is he good-looking at least?" She tilted her head looking at you, still smirking.

"Mom! Come on!" you shook your head and froze as soon as you heard the doorbell ring.
"Oh my god he's here" you whispered.

"Why are you so tense sweetie? Isn't he just a friend?" You kept 'scolding' her, heading to the door, while she just laughed and shook her head.

You opened the door and you found Rindou in front of you "Hi" you lightly smiled with the corners of your mouth and stood in front of him.

"Hi..." He just looked at you, waiting to enter.

"Oh uh yeah! Come in hehe" you shifted to the side to let him enter. So embarassing.

"Thank you" he smiled and got in, welcomed by your mother.

"Oh hi, you must be the friend who's doing the science project with Y/n! Nice to meet you, I'm Izumi, Y/n's mother" she shook hands with him.

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am. Yes I'm Y/n's friend, Rindou" he smiled at her and respectfully bowed his head.

"A-ehm okay we're going upstairs to study" you smiled and grabbed Rindou by his arm "Follow me"

You then went upstairs, and entered your room with him. "Your mom is so nice, but you're so obnoxious" He couldn't say the same about the appearance though, you took all your beauty from your mom, so you were both stunning to his eyes.
But he would never admit that you were beautiful.

"Oh so you woke up today and choose to annoy me since the beginning" you rolled your eyes and took your books.

"Anyways, your house.. I like it, I really do. Better than mine for sure" he smiled, sitting on your bed and then lazily laying on it.

"Excuse me? Come here right now and help me!" You scolded him.

He immediately widened his eyes as soon as his saw a pic of you and Keisuke taped on the wall next to your bed "Wait.. did you know Baji Keisuke?"

"He's.. my brother, why?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"Brother?" He shifted his attention to you and analyzed your features, comparing them with Baji's. You two were identical. "Shit.. were you two twins?"

"No, he was a year older than me. Now stop asking questions and answer mines!" You always used to get tense when Keisuke's topic was brought up.

"Because I was there, when he... died" He spoke with a low voice.

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