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"Why should I do this? As much as I like that girl, it doesn't involve Tenjiku" Izana coldy spoke, having no expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you?! If you like her you should care about her-" Rindou was cut off by Ran who put his hand on his mouth to shut him up.

"Are you crazy? Talking like that to Izana?" He yelled-whispered and held him not to make him move as well as he was moving lively.

"Bold I see, Rindou." he turned and stared at him "Tell me, do you want to die that bad?"

"Izana listen to us for once!" Sanzu gritted his teeth.

"Silence, Sanzu. Or else I'll punch you too" he spat back.

Sanzu just shut his mouth close and squatted down, sitting on the ground and sighing.

Izana instead walked closer to Rindou and Ran, looking at the younger Haitani only "How do you want to get beaten up?"

"Izana please-" Ran was trying to save Rindou from the leader but his attempt was unsuccessful as Izana cut him off too.

"Did I say you can talk, Ran? Shut up and hold him" The braid-haired man just stood silent, looking down.

Rindou, on the other hand, wasn't scared. He boldly stared back at Izana. If you were in trouble, he would have even risked his life to save you.
Nothing scared him more than you being in danger after what he saw at the grocery store.

Izana lifted his fisted hand up, about to throw him a punch in his face, but Sanzu was quick to stand up and run, placing himself between Izana and Rindou "Hanma and Kisaki are involved!" He shut his eyes close, ready to take that strong punch.

The bleach-blond haired man suddenly stopped and widened his already big eyes "Bullshits."

"It's true! I was with Ran and Rindou, they can tell you the same!" He spoke as he tried to calm his breathing.

Izana placed his hand on Sanzu's shoulder and moved him away to look at Rindou and Ran as well "It's true" the brothers spoke in unison "We were at the grocery store" Rindou continued as he was facing Izana together with Ran "We saw her with Hanma, we think he's threatening her. She's scared as hell"

"And what about Kisaki?" Izana asked. He couldn't stand that man.

"We were at the club a week ago and Y/n and Hanma were sitting at a table with Kisaki and another girl in front of them"

"Now that's interesting" Izana whispered, lowering his fist and putting his hands in his pockets "Why would they hurt Y/n then? She's not even part of the gang"

"She's Baji's sister, who got killed after Kisaki ordered Kazutora to stab him" Sanzu stated "Plus I think they want to weaken Rindou by hurting her. They were pretty close at first and probably Hanma saw that. Losing Rindou would be a problem and they know that. Kisaki knows more than anyone."

The tanned men walked closer to Rindou "Is that true? You really got weak for a fucking girl? I thought you were joking at first, that's totally not like you."

Rindou couldn't say anything.
You really made him weak, but you weren't just a "fucking girl", you weren't even some random girl.
You were special to him, more than any other girl who ended up in his bed or in his car.
You were something else, you were more.
No, you couldn't even be compared to any other girl.

And because of him being stupid, you were not with him now. You were in some other man's hands, even without your consent.
That's what hurt him the most.
That you weren't happy, you weren't smiling, you weren't laughing.

Instead you were trembling in fear, crying, whimpering and your voice even almost cracked.
He needed to save you from that piece of shit.

"I love her Izana, I really care about her. If you don't want to help us it's okay, I will save her alone" Rindou said firmly, looking at the ground.

"Bold of you to assume I'd let you do this alone" Izana smirked devilishly "You take the girl, I take those fuckers. We're gonna ambush them when they're alone"

Rindou looked at Izana, quite shocked "Ho-ow? We don't even know where Hanma lives"

"We're gonna spy on them, then we'll attack. Koko" He called the black-haired guy "I want you and Shion to stay out of that club where you saw them, every night until they show up. Then you'll follow them home and tell me where that fucker lives so we can follow him everywhere he goes."

"Just us two?" Shion asked.

"Yes, you two are enough. If you fuck up and get caught I'll kill you with my own hands if they don't do that first. And start tonight. Go. "

"O-okay, let's go Shion" Koko swallowed the lump in his throat and went to his car with the other one, driving to the club.

"Why not us three? We know Y/n more-" Sanzu tried to speak.

"That's why you can't go. You both have different feelings for her and you care about her way too much to go and look for her. You'd only fuck up. You're gonna keep your strength to fight those two and fuck them up. Not that I need you, but it's your and my revenge. You deserve that."


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