Chapter 8.. The WAIT..

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Harry's POV

Days without Louis have had its Pros n Cons.. Like, I miss him real bad and that's not a good thing but this separation made me realize my feelings for him, the ones I would never have understood..

I kept thinking about what to do in order to pull out the most unique proposal for my Lou..

In just under a week's time, my browser history overloads with 'how to profess your love to your beloved', kind of searches..

I called the boys over, 'cause Lou is coming back tomorrow, and I have no idea of how to surprise him, that would make him happy..

I know what he loves and what he doesn't, I just need a perfect planning for the perfect execution of my thoughts..

"Hey Harry! What's up?", the boys enquired slamming the door open, and jumping onto the couch..

"Guys, Louis is coming back tomorrow and I have no idea of how I am going to tell him everything", I spilled out..

"I think we need to first organise everything, like the do's n don'ts.. What Louis likes and all.. We can help you with all the arrangements, but the final key, to his heart, lies in your hand, mate.. Just don't think too much on it.. Look him in the eye, and just say it", Liam suggested..

And those words from him, made me determined and a lot more confident, I sat down with them holding a paper and a pen, jotting down all the things that'll be needed for the surprise..

"So I'll be needing night bulbs, flowers, and the most special gift ever", I burst out with excitement..

"Zayn, drive me to the store, will ya? I need to get a few stuffs from there.. Meanwhile Niall and Liam, clear out the place and I'll come back and decorate it all ", I requested the boys..
"Sure mate", they said

I took out the CD that I prepared, went to the studio and brought back the projector along with a loaf of bread and a can of marmite, 'cause my baby loves it..

I set up the whole backdrop, placed the projector, checked if its working properly, then connected all the night bulbs, the red ones,'cause Louis loves the colour Red and obviously, it's the colour of love..

The boys picked a dress for me, a bright red shirt that Lou got me a few months back, paired with a pair of black trouser..

It was almost 9'o' clock at night when I finished all my preparations, and the boys had already left, wishing me good luck, and making me promise to let them know how everything went..

I stood there looking at everything around and my heart felt with joy thinking that finally, tomorrow, he is gonna come back, my Lou is coming back home..

I couldn't simply express as to how much my heart was happy.. Finally, I was going to let him know about my feelings..

I went up to the bedroom, called Lou up..

"Hey, how are you now?", I asked him..

"I am absolutely fine, rather so happy 'cause finally I am coming home tomorrow.. Can't wait to see you", Louis answered..

"Ya, me too.. Waiting eagerly.. Come soon.. See ya", and I bid him Good bye..

Talking to him always feels so good, my mind feels at peace, the very previous moment I was so nervous yet happy but now, after talking to him, I feel so calm..

I pulled up the blanket, turned off the lights and went to sleep, afterall it is going to be a big day tomorrow.. 'The Day"..

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