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Harry's POV

"Lucas, baby stop running over the entire house, come and drink your milk, baby", I shouted out while hopping over things that came in my way.

He has grown up quite fast, I mean, like within a blink of an eye..

"Dadda will become very angry now, Come here right now or i'll go and tell Dadda that you're not listening to me", I said to him in a quite threatening tone.. Yeah, He calls Lou Dadda and me Dad.

But who was he to listen, he kept on running around the entire place until he got tired..

"Why do you have to make to run like that, like, every single day?", I said to him..

To which he shamelessly kept on giggling, while his small eyes almost closed..

Lou used to laugh like that, his eyes used to close while he giggled..

Almost two years since he left Us, left me, all alone with Just Lucas and our memories.. Not a single day passes by when I don't miss him.. From the morning breakfast to the sleepless nights..

There's a haunting loneliness that hovers around me, but Lou like always left me reasons to smile too.. HIS NOTES.. HIS MESSAGES.. HIS LETTERS.. They are my only lifeline now, after Lucas and those beautiful memories I had with him..

It really kills me down when I don't see him around anymore, don't feel him physically, when those kisses are the only thing that I want but I don't get him around.. When those cuddles are the only thing that can make me happy but I don't get them..

I suddenly feel a soft hand on my cheeks.. I didn't even realise, rather feel, when Lucas walked upto me, sat on my lap and kept rubbing my cheeks with those small hands..

He knew, he understood when I was low, when I needed to be cuddled..

I held onto him even tighter, took him in my arms and wrapped my arms around, to feel as if Lou was there too, maybe holding onto the both of us..

That day when I could see my entire world slipping out of my hand while I tried to hold it back with my tightest grip, all that came out of Lou's mouth were, "I love you.. Smile" and he vanished like a thin streak of air.. While his body laid there, motionless and his face covered with a beautiful smile..

And now it has been so many days, without him, his presence..

All that I do now-a-days is visit the boys, work on our new album, rehearse, travel the entire world, and lastly go down to meet Jo and the girls 'Cause that's the place which has Lou' s presence the most.. Taking down Lucas over there makes Jo so happy, I have seen her cope up with the tragedy of losing her son, her Boo.. But she never complained on anything to God..
While here I am, probably cursing God every other day and night for snatching away the most precious person of my life..

"Boo, I just hope you're fine, alright.. Life has been all the same over the week.. Nothing new, except for your son's new mischiefs", were the same weekly things that I said to Lou, while visiting the crematory every Sunday, taking Lucas..

He is the reason I cry upon, but he's the only one that puts up the smile on my face, lights up my life.. Maybe he's not around anymore, not here to pull me up when I fall down but he's surely in here, inside of me, pushing me ahead, tickling me inside just to see my smiling, helping me to raise Lucas, and making me responsible and mature..

He is not here anymore But he still is,just as he promised he would.

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