Chapter 13- Flashbacks And Reality

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Harry's POV

8 hours 45 minutes and 32 seconds.. Time has been cruel.. Doesn't seem to pass by..

"A minor cardiac arrest.. Nothing much to worry about, he'll be fine.. We need to keep him under observation till he regains his consciousness", were the doctors first verdict after examining Lou..

I have been standing here since the moment I came here, not moved an inch, not moved my eyes off Louis..

Doctor comes out once in a while and would say the same old thing every single time..

"He hasn't come back to his senses yet.. We'll have to wait",the doctor said..

Little did I know, that the boys had already informed Jo and Paul too and that they were here, sitting right behind, waiting eagerly for Louis to open his eyes, again..

I really didn't seem to care who came and went, until I saw a girl walk upto the door of Louis' room, staring right through the glass..

I moved my head left, to notice it was noone but Eleanor.. My eyes went red, my head started burning with anger..

I took her hand and dragged her to the corner..

"What are you doing Harry? Calm down.. It's a hospital", Liam whispered in a grudging tone..

I sort of pulled out my hands and told Liam to chill out..

I really didn't care about anybody saying me anything.. I just didn't want to see that girl anywhere near Louis..

"What do you think You are doing here?", I yelled out at her.

"My boyfriend is admitted in the hospital, and you expect me to sit back at home and do nothing?", she replied back angrily.

"Boyfriend? Really?.. Please I really don't want to create a nuisance here.. So please go", I told her, calmed.

"I love him, and I am not going to go anywhere", she said..

"Love? Others made you love him.. He made me love him.. You hold his hands when everybody sees, I hold him when we are alone.. You kiss him, 'cause that's scripted for You.. We kiss each other, 'cause we mean it.. So don't you dare say again, that you love him", I simply bursted out on her..

I got so carried away that I didn't even realize that Lou was lying there, motionless.. In pain..

I simply pushed her aside, and again went back to the same spot that I have been standing on since so many hours..

The boys went to Lou's apartment to get all the documents and medical history, the reports and stuff, 'cause the doctor asked for them..

"He is better now, has regained his consciousness.. Any one of you can go inside and meet him.. But try not to make him talk much.. He needs all the rest he can have", the doctor said smiling..

I just looked back at Jo, she nodded her head in agreement and asked me to go inside..

I opened the door slowly, and stepped inside.. The beeping sound of the machines were somewhat not soothing..

I walked up to the side of Lou's bed and sat beside him, holding his hands.. I felt him moving, his fingers curling.. He slowly opened his eyes, and stretched his lips to give me a smile, one that I haven't seen in a quite long time..

"How are you feeling, Lou? You could have called me when you were not feeling well..",I asked him..

"I didn't want to give you any stress and moreover you didn't know anything about my new apartment", he said in a soft tone..

"Ya, I know.. Anyways, you know Lou that you can tell me anything, anything that's bothering you", I said to him..

"As of now, I am thinking that what I thought, more precisely, what I pictured, I am experiencing it right now", he said winking at me..

I gave him a somewhat confused look..

"You don't remember? That night we were talking about how the other would react if one is admitted in the hospital or is about to die?", he said..

"Oh yes. I remember,you actually were drunk like hell that night.. I remember the date too.. ", I said laughing..

9th August, 2012

It was exactly a month now, thirty days since I proposed him and He kissed me.. Yes, actually, he never said back those three words.. Ya, but I don't really care, 'cause I know he loves me and I don't need any three word sentence to prove that thing..

So, coming back, it was our one month anniversary, and Lou decided to take me out on a date, obviously he planned everything, to celebrate our togetherness..

He had planned everything way before, so he gave me a note in the morning, kissed me and went out. .

'Happy one month, Hazza.. I have lived every single moment, in this one single month, in which my love and happiness has multiplied quite a lot of times..
I have planned something, something you'd like.. Freshen up, put on some clothes.. I'll pick you up at 4..
Till then, I miss you.. XOXO
Yours, Lou'

I smiled, blushing my cheeks red.. I put the note aside, had a bath..I Put on a black shirt and a trouser, hung on a jacket, applied my favourite perfume.. And made my hair just the way Lou likes it..

There I was, all set and excited for the first ever date.. We have had many dates at our house but this was our first date, outside..

Lou came just at 4 and picked me up in his car.. Just like any other romantic flick, he closed my eyes with his hands, and guided me through.. I could smell the sea, somehow..

When my eyes opened, I saw something which was out of this world.. There was a small round table, with wine and champagne kept in the ice bucket.. Beautiful red lights, vining through the wooden poles that gave support to the shed..

And all of it, right there, in the middle of the beach.. The sea on one side, and beautiful soft tunes on the other and Lou stood right in front..

I ran up to him, jumping onto him, I put my arms around his waist and kissed him passionately..

We had a beautiful night, something that I won't forget, ever..

After we were all tired and Lou completely drunk, we sat down on the beach,Lou resting his head on my lap..

"What If something very serious happens to me someday, and I am admitted in the hospital.. Would you behave like all that we see in movies, standing right outside the door waiting for a news of my well being?", He suddenly asked me in his drunken tone..

"Shut up, Lou.. And stop talking about things I don't even want to think of", I said brushing my thumb on his cheek..

And I kissed him, and went to sleep, cuddling onto him..

That was a perfect night.. "

Remembering those days always brings tears to my eyes.. The moments I spent with him are the ones i won't forget, ever..

I moved away my face, rubbing my tears off, I said," You remember that part of the night only?"

"No, Harry.. I remember the whole of it.. Every single moment..",he said back.

I just smiled..

"You get some rest, Lou.. I'll be right here, right outside the door, as you've seen in movies.. I am waiting, Lou.. I'll be waiting, forever.. 'Cause you know, you are my forever", I said smiling..

I could not help, but notice how after so many days, Lou was smiling just like before.. The smile that's his own, not the one everyone else sees, now..

I brushed his hair with my fingers and kissed on his forehead and left the room, giving him the best smile, I could put on, given the situation..

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