Chapter 21- Will You Marry Me?

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Louis POV

One month on the hospital bed and now one month beside Hazzabear.. The First one I wasn't aware of and the second half, I am living every single moment I couldn't in the first half..

As He promised, my day starts with Him and ends with him..

I wake upto the best breakfast and coffee, the world's best smile and the most beautiful kiss..
I always knew my world would be complete only with Harry being around, I might have refused to accept, I might have run away.. But destiny has always brought me back, back to where I left everything out..

Many interrogative clauses starting with "Do I?" has been the reason of my stress from quite a few days..

"Do I tell him about my wishes? Do I just get away from him, inorder to not hurt him anymore? Do I just stay shut and wait here to die? Do I just be the way I am and leave everything out?"

"Jesus Christ! An exclamatory "I Do" would have been much easier than these interrogative "Do I".. You just need to sit here, enjoy the moments left, with Hazza and wait for your end to come, Louis Tomlinson"

Those moments that made me enlist my wishes.. Those moments when everything I could see and feel around was him, my Hazzabear..

I still remember the pain I was going through.. When we were separated, that's when I wrote about my wishes, otherwise I would have just done the things I wished for and not write them down, hoping for them to be fulfilled..

The first one-

I had to go out with Eleanor, hold her hands when asked to, kiss her when cameras focused on us..
An entire day of faking, a day of portrayal of something that my heart didn't want..
Eleanor put her arms round me and kissed me on my neck, all I could do was just chuckle and tell, "Stop it, Hazza.. It tickles"
Thank God, nobody heard me.. Obviously Eleanor did and I could make out pretty fast that she was furious but I least cared about it.. She was the one I call girlfriend, not the one I love.. Maybe i ever won't.. 'Cause I already loved my Curly..
That was the night I came back home and inked down my first wish,
"Wish 1- Get married to Him.. And not just any ordinary marriage, I want us to get married on the beach, everything decorated just like our first date.. With my and Hazza's close ones, and obviously the boys.."
I obviously had to get it down, a day out with my girlfriend made me realize what he meant to me, what the moments with him meant to me.. If ever I think of getting to spend my life with someone , it has to be him and noone else..

The third wish I wrote about Us going public about our relationship was something I wanted to do right from the moment I realized my feelings for him, I just wanted to scream out my Love to him, tell everyone that's it just Love we share and not get labelled as a different group of people, just because we are guys..

But all in all, the past one month has been really like what I had always dreamt of..

Oxygen deprivation has led me to severe problems, I did have my anxiety attacks but Harry was always there to pick me up whenever I fell down..

Nights are really nice now, days are even better..

"Good morning, Lou.. Wake up", He said pushing aside the curtains..

But to my surprise He wasn't there by the Windows, like he always did every morning..

I saw him right there in front of me, on his knees..

"What's the matter, Hazza? Did you lose anything? And you didn't make me any breakfast, are we going out? ", I asked seeing him on the ground.

"No, I didn't lose anything..",He said while reaching out to his pockets..

He pulled out something out of his pocket and gave me a smile..

"Do you still not understand?", he asked.

I shook my head in complete unawareness..

He reached out his hand towards me and I could see a beautiful Love band in his hand..

"Oh my god, a love band? Am i dreaming? Is he really going to propose?", my mind started racing in no time..

"You are the one I've always loved , Boo. I have waited many days to tell this to you.. I wanted this moment to be special and the timing to be perfect.. I wanted to bend down on my knee each day, and tell you that I love you, so lets start today..
So, I love you, Louis Tomlinson.. Will You Marry Me?", he said smiling so beautifully..

I just stood there for the while, my feets started trembling, my lips started to fumble.. I wept like a baby, but Gathering myself up, I just looked him in the eye, and said, "I really can't express how happy I am.. You mean the world to me, Hazza.. My heart has always been yours, and always will be.. If I could now, I would just jump out, and go to you", I said..

"Boo, will you please cut it short and say it already..You do realise that I am on my knee for quite a long time.. I ask you again, will You marry me..? ", he said..

I chuckled out.. And finally said..

"Yes, Harry Edward Styles, I will marry You..", I said while getting off the bed..

"Thank God, Finally..",he said gliding the ring through my finger and then kissing me..

"I Love you, Hazza", I said kissing him back..

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