Chapter 20- You'll Never Miss Me Again

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Harry's POV

The glistening eyes, that longing stare was what I saw when Louis' eyes opened.. I could see it how perplexed he was, how many questions crossed his mind..
I have been there, since that day, over a month now praying for him to just open his eyes, and call out my name..

It's really hard to see the person you love lie there, motionless, not even aware of what's going around..You can reach to him but his soul doesn't respond back to you.. You can touch them but cannot have that caress in return.. Nothing hurts more than the absence of the person, even though he is there, still there..

But he's back now, back to me, all hail and hearty.. He's talking, I can feel back his Love.. I can see and feel that smile he gives when I rub my hands on his forehead, but he seems to act differently..

All the things that I wished for, all of it didn't happen.. He asked me some questions that seems to direct something towards us being together the whole time, but literally that didn't happen, has he been hallucinating?

I really didn't care about anything else now, now that he is back.. Back to his senses..

"He is calling you inside, Harry", Jo said patting my shoulder..

I entered the room with the biggest smile I had,hiding away all my tears..

"How are you, Harry?", he asked me..

"I am fine, Boo.. Especially now", I said to him..
"Why were you saying those things? You are fine, right?", I asked him again..

"I am alright, Hazza.. I just want to go back home, stay with you", he said.

"You will, very soon", I said to him smiling..

"You don't know about the wishes, do you? Did you go to my apartment?", he asked, somewhat craving for a positive reply from me..

But I had to disappoint his feelings, by saying No..

Right at that instant I could see sadness covering up his entire face, an expression of disappointment and loss..

But he never let me understand that, atleast he tried to..

Then and there I knew, keeping him here would make things worse.. I kissed him on his forehead rubbing my hands through his hair and went to see the doctor..

"He is fine now doctor, isn't he?", I asked the doctor..

"Harry, I won't be giving you any hopes that won't stay long.. He is growing weaker, we almost lost all our hopes of reviving him back from that state of unconsciousness but he's back.. But we can't really hope for any other miracle 'cause that's not going to happen.. We don't have much time.. ", the doctor exclaimed.
"How much more?", I asked him back..

"Months, a year tops.. But it all depends on how he responds to the medicines and how he recovers.. It all depends on his willpower.. You just need to keep him happy, so that he wants to live, not leave us all.. By the way, you can take him back home, tomorrow.. I'll get all the paperworks done.. But you'll have to take proper care of him, see to it that the canula is feeding him oxygen all the time.. We can't take a single streak of risk.. ", the doctor said..

"I'll see to it, doctor.. Thank you", I said leavinv his cabin..

Now that I can see him talk, feel his love, time seems to just fly by.. Rather like those days in the past one month when each second felt like so many years summed up..

He was going to just disapper, his presence is going to go into a thin stream of air, and I can't do anything.. Not a single thing to make him stay or switch places with him..

I just sat by his bedside the whole night, stared at him just like I used to..

My entire mind just questioned about why my boy was suffering so much, I just wanted him to come back to being himself, the boy he had always been..

If only I knew about all of this, I would have fought back my way and never let him go through all of this, alone..

My mind started putting interrogations on my Love, but I couldn't let it win.. For I too have suffered, fought through all the Struggles, staying away from him, and I knew nothing on this planet could separate us ever, but now Death will..

I didn't even realise that I had already slept by his bedside, until the screeching sunlight fell on my eyes, and I felt a hand brushing through my hair..

I lifted up my head and smiled at him.. His stare is something that's always made my heart skip a beat..

"Just like the old days, isn't it?", he asked winking at me..

I nodded my head, blushing away..

"I'll go and see when the doctor's going to discharge you.. We are going back home, Lou", I said excited..

I stepped out of the room to see noone there..

"Strange", I thought to myself..

I went straight to the doctor, finished all the paperwork and hurried back to the room..

"Lou, everything's done, we are going home", I screamed out in excitement..

Just as he was about to get off the bed, I ran to him, picked him up in my arms and went over to the car..

"I want to make up for every time we have been separated, make up for all the waits, all our struggles, all our pain.. Make up for all the wasted time, make up for our Love.. I'll give You all the happiness that you deserved and didn't get.. I'll never let you cry alone, 'cause I' ll be there for wiping all your tears.. But before that I'll be the one you wake up to, and sleep at night", I said to him..

He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips..

"I missed You so much, Hazza", he said..

"You'll never miss me again, 'cause I'll always be with you, even if you drive me away, I'll always find a way back to you, to hover over your head and irritate you my whole life", I said..

"I love you, Boo.. Even if you don't say it back to me, I know You do too.. ", I said kissing him back..

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