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" MAMA!!" The young little girl shouted as she immediately grabbed her little brother's wrist and made her way towards the kitchen where her mother is busy cooking.

" Let go of me, harumi!" Her little brother's annoyingly yelled while he struggle to get out of her grip, but harumi ignored him and just keep on running towards their mother.

" MAMA!!!" Harumi shouted repeating on calling her mother as when she arrived at the kitchen along with kakucho.

Their mother flinch from the sudden loud voice from her daughter calling her from behind. The woman quickly turned around and saw harumi holding into her younger brother's wrist.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" The woman softly asked with a calm smile formed on her face and approach harumi.

" Kaku won't let me go with him! He said i will just cost him a trouble again!!! He's so mean, mama!!" Harumi shouted in anger.

Their mother let out a laugh and patted her daughter and son's head in a very gentle way.

"Now, now, lower your voice, it's rude." The woman said in which a frown tugged on the corners of Harumi's lips and look away.
" You can't go with kakucho anymore, harumi.".

Their mother is scared about her daughter and son from getting hurt again just like what happened when Kakucho decided to introduce her to his friend at the park, 3 days ago.

When they arrived at the park earlier than kakuchi's friend. The group of kids who always bully kakucho, approach the two siblings and started saying mean words to kakucho.

Harumi was furioused that time and immediately grabbed some metal pipe near them as she sprint towards the kids and hit them non stop with it.

The little girl's eyes widened as she look at her mother in shocked.
"But mama, i will promise, i won't cost any trouble anymore! Right kaku?!" She asked, turning her gaze at her younger brother with a smile.

Kakucho glared at her and look away without answering his annoying older Sister's question.

Harumi's mouth hung open a little bit ajar as she felt betrayed by her own younger brother.

The woman noticed how sad her daughter is and let out a sighed in defeat.

" Fine, but be home early, okay?" The woman asked with a serious tone, in which it lighten up harumi's face while kakucho look at her mother in shocked.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now