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In the middle of the class, harumi was sitting on her chair silently as she listen to their teacher who is discussing of something related to their subject.

Harumi is quite popular in their school, because of her being kind, smart and also beautiful.

A lot of boys keep on and on confessing their romantic feelings for her, even though she rejected them multiple times, saying they are still too young to get in a relationship or she already like someone else.

However, despite of getting almost all the boys attention in their school. Harumi still got bullied by the girls who envy her so much.

The last time, the group of girls suddenly pour the whole water battle on harumi's lunch box, while she's peacefully eating her lunch. And after that, all those girls got a lot of injuries on their faces due to harumi punching them non-stop.

" That's all for today! I hope you all understand, goodbye everyone!" The teacher announced loudly for everyone to hear him, grabbing his books that placed on the table in front and left the classroom.

When the teacher finally out of Harumi's sight, she let out a sighed of relief as she stood up on her chair and grab her bag to leave.

But before she could even get out of their classroom, harumi suddenly stopped by someone.

"U-mm hitto-chan?" A nervous voice of a boy called out Harumi's last name, causing the young girl to move her eyes to the side to see who it was.

When her eyes landed on the boy who she found annoying, harumi furrowed her eyebrows in irritation, as she immediately look away from him and start walking again.

" Hitto-chan! I can walk you home! I'm free righ-" The young girl gritted her teeth and turned around to shot glare at the boy, causing him to abruptly stop talking.

" How many times do i have to tell that i have work after school? You can't walk me home! So please just go home already. I'm sorry." Her voice trailed off, as she suddenly saw the sadness on the young boy's eyes.

Harumi let out a frustration sighed as she just turned her back to the boy and immediately left the school.

A few minutes of walking, Harumi finally arrived at the convenience store where she work only for 6 hours.

She went inside and was welcomed of the old man sitting on the counter while reading his newspaper so peacefully.

When the door bell rang, his gaze diverted on the young girl waving her hand at him with a smile on her face.

" Good afternoon, Mr. Takahashi san!" Harumi greeted happily as she immediately approached the old man who put down his newspaper and smiled at harumi.

" How's school, haru chan? You didn't beat up someone again?" The old man teased following with his chuckle.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now