𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 20

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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" I'm so sorry about yesterday, masuda kun!" Harumi apologize as she slightly bowed at the young boy who just let out an awkward laugh while scratching the back of his neck.

They are right in front of their school gate due to harumi made him stopped from leaving the school, to apologize for what izana had done to him yesterday.

She hesitate at first, but after a few hours of thinking earlier, she have decided to apologize to him, knowing that he's a nice guy after all.

"I-it's fine, hitto chan, and i think it's my fault for keep on disturbing you." Masuda said so softly with a smile on his face.

Harumi smiled back at him. " I should be going now then." She said in which the young boy nodded his head with hesitation inside him, as he felt of wanting to walk her home, but remembering what harumi's boyfriend warned him yesterday, made him able to stop himself.

"O-okay, please stay safe, hitto chan." Masuda mumbled as he wave his hand at the dark haired girl who also happily wave her hand at him with a wide smile on her face.

" See you tomorrow!" Masuda added, which harumi just nodded her head and went to run straight at her apartment.

When she arrived, harumi already knew that izana and kakucho isn't home because of the silence filled their apartment.

She let out an frustration sighed and went inside her bed room to change her clothes.

" I wonder where they are right now?" She thought while putting on her long sleeve. But out of nowhere, she suddenly flinch from the sound of their apartment door being open following with two unfamiliar voice that she's fully aware it wasn't belong to kakucho and izana.

" This plan better work, I don't think izana would let you do that." A guy with deep voice spoke lazily.

" It will" the other guy simply replied as harumi heard the two unknown guy sat on their couch.

She took a few step closer to her door as she felt her body trembled in fear.

" I'm pretty sure i locked the fucking door, how did they get it? Are we getting rob?!" She asked herslef in panick, feeling shivers down her spine.

Harumi took a deep breath and furrowed her eyebrows in anger.
" Not gonna let that happen." She whispered, grabbing the metal pipe that she found on the side of the street, thinking she could use it in emergency and took it home.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now