𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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Days passed by, Izana and kakucho had been so busy to thei gang they just made.

They always leave the house early in the morning and get back late at nigjt, at the point that they haven't seen harumi at all, but it's not like they think or care about her.

They are having a lot of fun without harumi, and even just a seconds, she haven't came into their mind, even though there's always food prepared for them when they get home or a some money that harumi earned for them.

She felt her heart aching, when she went back at their apartment from work, only to found the place was totally dark and empty.

She miss all the laughs and talks she hear from izana and kakucho, when she got nearer their apartment, that it seems, all her tiredness will immediately go away, replacing with such joy and excitement in her.

This past few days she made herself so busy by always study on her free time and work when she needed to.

" Haru chan, it's sunday today, you don't have to work. Take a rest or have some fun." Mr. Takahashi softly spoke, after for a seconds of staring at the dark haired girl, who seemed in a deep thoughts.

Harumi formed a wide and bright smile as she shook her head to the old man who look at her worriedly.
" I'm fine mr. Takahashi san! I have to earn a lit of money for izana and kakucho. Plus, i have nothing to do if i don't work today." Harumi cheerfully said, smilling with her eyes closed.

The old man, let out an audible breath
" I'm not letting you. You are stressing yourself too much, haru chan! Please take a rest for today, and you'll work tomorrow, okay?" He said with his eyebrows furrowed, while staring at harumi in a very serious way, making her sighed and slowly nodded her head.

" Sorry, mr. Takahashi san" she mumbled sadly as she stood up from her chair and bowed her head to the old man who smiled at her.

" Here, buy dorayaki on your way home." Mr. Takahashi said as he grabbed some money inside his pocket and handed it to harumi, who stared at the money in shocked.

She immediately took a step back and shook her head feedly. " No thanks, mr. Takahashi san! I'm still full, no need to do that!" She refused, making the old man chuckle from her cuteness.

" You are like my daughter already, please accept this. You seemed so sad lately and i'm worried, maybe eating your favorite food will make you a bit happy." He softly said, as he went to grabbed harumi's hand and place the money on her palm gently.

A small smile tugged on the corner of her lips and bowed many times to the old man.

" Thank you so much, i promise i'll work hard here and be a good worker!" She exclaimed happily, in which she received a chuckle from the old man.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now