𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 6

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Two years passed, harumi and kakucho had managed to go out the orphanage, and after they got out, both the siblings found a convenience store nearby and harumi didn't even hesitate to forced the owner of the convenience store to allow her to work and rent them an apartment where she pay the rent from her salary.

At first the owner of the convenience store refused, knowing that harumi is too young for her to work. However, with a kind heart, the old man soon after as he saw how desperated she is.

The old man got attached to the siblings so easily as he found them having a good heart and so enjoying to be with. He treat them like his own children and even pay their rent with his own money and got harumi to go to school since kakucho refused to go, saying it would be so boring.

And about their only one friend, izana. It's already been two years had passed and they still haven't found him yet, worrying something might bad happened to him.

" Kakucho!" The loud voice of a young girl shouted, calling her younger brother who is laying on the ground while watching television.

Kakucho sat up as when he heard harumi's voice and look at her direction, only to see her wearing her school uniform and a pale pink jacket.

" Leaving already?" Kakucho asked while watching his older sister fixing her collar.

The young girl furrowed her eyebrows and sternly look at kakucho, which it confused the young boy.

" Don't go out, I will be back late, so you better not wait for me and eat your dinner first, okay?" She asked as she walked towards the door while her eyes is still on kakucho.

The young boy sighed in irritation as he found his older sister's treating him like a baby again.

He rolled his eyes at her. " I know, i'm old enough to take care of myself. So stop treating me like a fucking baby!" He yelled looking away from harumi and shot his gaze back to the television.

"Don't be stubborn!" Harumi yelled back to kakucho who seems Careless about it and acted as if like he didn't heard his older sister.

"Don't be stubborn!" Harumi yelled back to kakucho who seems Careless about it and acted as if like he didn't heard his older sister

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11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now