𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 10

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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" Zana!!" The young girl shouted on the top of her lungs while standing in front of izana's room with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Harumi didn't have school for today, so she decided to ask izana to go with her to buy some dorayaki.

" What? Quiet down will you?! It's early in the morning!" Izana irritatedly yelled as he flung open his door, with an irk on his temple.

Izana stared at the young girl standing in front of him, waiting for her to speak what she want to say.

" Let's go buy some dorayaki. I don't have school for today, and i want to treat to make you feel happy." Harumi cheerfully said, as she grabbed izana's wrist and was about to drag him out of their apartment. But izana pull his hands out from Harumi's grip.

The young girl confusedly look at izana who is slowly lowering his head down.
" I know you're still mad, that's why i'm going to buy you something to eat." She mumbled worriedly.

Izana shook his head " no, thanks, I don't want to go?"  He simply mumbled as harumi watch him turn his back on her and immediately walk inside his room once again

Izana shook his head " no, thanks, I don't want to go?"  He simply mumbled as harumi watch him turn his back on her and immediately walk inside his room once again

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But before he could closed his room door, harumi slam his hand on it and stared at izana with furrowed eyebrows.

" Look, zana. I don't know why you are avoiding me eversince you walk me to school. But let me treat you a fucking dorayaki today!" Harumi yelled in annoyance, as she send glare at izana who is staring at her with his usual calm expression.

The young boy let out an audible breath. " Fine, but stop bothering me after this."Izana sternly said in which harumi formed her smile back on her face and immediately nodded her head happily.

The young girl grabbed izana's wrist once again and dragged him out of the apartment, after waving her hand good luck, at kakucho who is eating in the kitchen.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now