𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 24

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The young boy with scars on his face opened his eyes and immediately sat up on his hospital bed in panick, only to felt sharp pain on his chest where he got shot.

However, he couldn't careless about it, since all he think about is his one and only friend, izana.

He gritted his teeth" Kaku chan, calm down!" A loud and concerning voice shouted in panick, causing kakucho to flinch a bit and turned to his side, only to see takemichi who is furrowing his eyebrows in worried.

Kakucho immediately grab takemichi shoulders.
" Izana?! Where is izana?! How is he?!" He desperately asked, gripping on takemichi's shoulders so tightly as he stared at him on the eyes, hoping takemichi won't say something bad happened to izana.

The yellow haired boy calmly formed a small smile on his face as he gently grab kakucho's hands and remove it off his shoulders. " Calm down, kaku chan. Izana is fine, he's just resting next to your hospital room." Takemichi whispered so softly, making kakucho to let out a sighed of relief as he sat properly on his hospital bed and slowly look away from takemichi.

" I'm glad." He mumbled.

The smile on takemichi's face slowly disappeared as he look down on the ground with his eyebrows furrowing.

" Yes. Also... I'm glad that you are fine." He spoke with his shaly voice. Only to received a nodded from the young boy in front of him.

" How about, nee chan? Why is she not here?" Kakucho asked, finally noticing that his older sister is no where to be found inside his room

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" How about, nee chan? Why is she not here?" Kakucho asked, finally noticing that his older sister is no where to be found inside his room. Knowing that she's supposed to be the one, who's at kakucho's side by now.

Takemichi clenched his fist tigjtly to his side, and he gathered his courage to speak

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Takemichi clenched his fist tigjtly to his side, and he gathered his courage to speak

" Kaku chan." He spoke. nervousness could be heard in his shaky voice, calling out kakucho's name who just let out a questioning hummed in response.

" I have something important to tell you. I... know this is not the right time to tell you this, but i have to" Takemichi whispered, loud enough for kakucho to hear him clearly. However, noticing Takemichi uneasiness, he turned to look at him, raising a brow in confusion.

" What's wrong, takemichi? You seems nervous." He asked out of curiosity, while staring at the young boy who refused to look at him, while sweats running down his face with his hand trembled.

" Kaku chan..."


Kakucho have discharged and went straight to checked on his older sister. He tried go talk to her for almost an hour, but harumi didn't reply to amy of his words and just stayed silent the whole time.

After that, the young boy sadly left their apartment and decided to visit izana, who is still in the hospital due to some injuries he received from mikey's punch and kick.

Standing in front of an hospital door  room, kakucho tightened his grip on the stuff and good he bought for izana. Feeling hesitation on meeting him right now.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he could feel his heart beating so fast

He took a deep breath with his eyes closed and soon grab the door knob and open it, seeing none other than izana who flinch a bit from the sound of the door, opened, and look at kakucho with his usual calm expression.

" You finally got discharged, huh?" Izana spoke with a small smile as he went back staring outside the window next to his hospital bed.

Kakucho hummed " yeah. How are you? Do you still feel pain on where you got shot?" He asked softly while walking inside izana's hospital room.

The bleach haired boy stayed silent for a few seconds before saying... " I'm okay, but how's your older sister? Why haven't she visit me eversince i gained consciousness? Is she mad because i didn't come go meet her?" Izana asked with worriedness could be hear in his voice, as he turned to look at kakucho, waiting for him to answer his questions.

Kakucho let out a sighed as he look away from izana and went to put the stuff and foods on the table next to his bed.

" I... Think yes... She's mad at you" Kakucho whispered, not giving a single glance to izana who hummed in understanding and slowly look down on his hand.

" that is why I don't like her." Izana remarked, without even thinking back, causing Kakucho's eyes widened but he was quick to hide ot with his usual calm face.

" Izana remarked, without even thinking back, causing Kakucho's eyes widened but he was quick to hide ot with his usual calm face

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" Don't say that." Kakucho mumbled as he finally turn to face izana who stared at him, raising his one eyebrow.

"And why?" He asked, anger and irritation could be heard in his voice. Making kakucho worriedly furrowed his eyebrows and slowly look away, not knowing what to reply to izana who turned to look outside the window with his fist clenching tightly.

" I would never like someone as selfish as her." He remarked.
"We almost died, and yet she doesn't feel in worry towards us? That's just ridiculous." Izana furiously said, while kakucho just stared on the ground with his empty eyes.

" Take a rest for now, izana. The doctor said you are allow to go home tomorrow at night. You can talk to harumi tomorrow...."


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