𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 21

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬3RD PERSON'S POV

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Days passed, harumi got so worried about kisaki and hanma always visiting izana and kakucho in their apartment.

She wanted to lash out at the four eyes boy as when she found him walking inside their apartment with his stupid usual calm expression, that somehow made harumi felt so furious about it.

The dark haired girl let out a sighed as she tightly hold the knife, while chopping the carrots, being forced by izana and kakucho to cook for kisaki and hanma.

" This is ridiculous!" She whispered shouting. Anger and irritation pouring and stirring within her, as the image of kisaki's ugly face suddenly pop in her head.

After when harumi finished cooking, she put foods on the two plates that placed on the table, but she stopped when she suddenly think of an idea, that brought a mischievous grin on her face.

Harumi immediately grab a tray and place hanma and kisaki's plates on it. She formed a bright smile and went at the living room where the four boys busy talking about their gang fight.

" Foods here~" The young girl sweetly informed, while smilling at everyone with her eyes closed.

Kisaki furrowed his eyebrows, as he noticed harumi's sudden change of behavior towards them, since she usually flounce out the kitchen and smash the plates on a small table in front of them.

Harumi approach kisaki first, and when she got closer to him, she purposely make her self trip, making sure all the foods will land on kisaki's face.

Everyone's eyes widened with their mouth hung open a little bit ajar, while staring at kisaki who is trying to remove the hot food out of his body in panick.

" Hot, hot, hot!" He exclaimed, making hanma burst out laughing.

Harumi took a deep breath as she tried not to also laugh in front of them.

"I-i'm so sorry, kisaki kun~ I didn't mean to hurt ya'." She sweetly apologize while furrowing her eyebrows in worried. However she just stood up in front of kisaki, not doing anything to help the young boy to remove the hot food on his body.

Kakucho furrowed his eyebrows in anger as he eye his older sister, that he seems to know she did it on purpose, knowing that he's fully aware harumi would never apologize to someone she hated.

Kakucho excuse hi.self and went to grabbed his sister's wrist, dragging her towards the kitchen who stared at him in confusion.

" What is it, kaku?" She asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

Kakucho turn to face her, shotting her a death glare.

" You did it on purpose, didn't you, Harumi?" He sternly asked, tightening the grip on the dark haired girl's wrist, making her furrowed her eyebrows and harshly pull her hand away.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now