𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2

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Harumi and her whole family had decided on hanging out together today, however, when they got inside the mall. Their parents started arguing of something.

Harumi and kakucho look at each other in confusion, not knowing why they are fighting all of the sudden.

" Lets go home!" Their father yelled to their mother as he grabbed both kakucho and harumi wrist, dragging them out the mall.

" We are not going home!!" Their mother protest as she attempted on grabbing kakuchi and harumi wrist, but before she could even touch them, the man slap her hand.

" We are going home, wether you like it or not." The man sternly said and proceed on dragging his children who just stayed silent not wanting to get involved at their fight.

The woman followed them with her eyebrows furrowed in anger as all of them went inside their car and with that, their parents started yelling at each other once again.

Harumi hold kakuchi's hand as she felt something bad is going to happen.
" Get close to me, baby brother." Harumi softly mumbled to kakucho, in which the young boy just nodded his head in response and move close to harumi.

She look outside the window, hoping she'll make her self distract, but the loud voices of their parents didn't help at all, instead it make her felt so anxious, specially their father was the one who is driving.

"Fathe-" harumi spoke, wanting to tell their father to focus on the road, knowing that he was focusing in arguing with their mother. But harumi's words was cut by a loud horn of a car in front of them.

Their father immediately turned his attention at the road and was about to turn the car to the other side, but harumi was fully aware they won't gonna make it, so she let go out kakucho's hand and immediately wrap her arms around her younger brother, while their mother turned around and also cover them with her arms.

" Don't worry, big sister will protect you.." was the last words kakucho hear from her older sister before everything went pitch black.


Harumi and kakucho managed to survived the car crashed, but the incident left scars on their faces that it made them remember the horrible scene they saw that day.

Both of the siblings ended up being in the orphanage after they got discharged in the hospital.

They thought their life will be much more better being inside the orphanage than being in the streets, but days pass by. Some kids inside the orphanage with them, started bullying kakucho and harumi.

11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now