𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 8

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While walking on an empty neighborhood, izana expected their surroundings to be quite and peaceful, however, the young girl he's with is talking non stop, telling hin about how kakucho and her, escaped the orphanage.

" And after that! I've punched the guards right on his face!" She cheerfully shouted with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Izana let out an audible breath and stopped from walking, causing harumi to also stopped and stared at him with such confusion.

" Where's your apartment? We walked for almost 2 hours already. I'm getting tired and hungry." Izana spoke with his eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

Harumi then look around their surroundings and realized that they already passed their apartment.

She let out an awkward laughed, while nervously scratching the back of her neck.
" We are almost there!" She lied still with a smile on her face, not wanting izana to know that they already passed Their apartment, thinking he might get even more mad, like he is right now.

" Let's take a shortcut! Okay? So we can get their as soon as possible." Harumi nervously smiled as she immediately grabbed izana's hand tightly and started dragging him towards their apartment.

After a few minutes of walking, both izana and harumi finally arrived in front of their apartment and when izana was about to grab the door knob, harumi quickly stop him by slightly pushing him away.

" Not yet., I'm going to surprise kaku." Harumi whispered loud enough for izana to hear.

The young boy sighed in frustration and just nodded his head in response, making harumi to jump in excitement.

She slowly opened the door of their apartment and look inside, only to see her younger brother who is already staring at her confused.

" You already arrived, i'll go cook for our dinner." Kakuchi spoke, as he got up on floor and head towards their kitchen, but before he could even took a few step forward, harumi immediately stopped him.

" Wait!, I have surprise for you!" She exclaimed in joy, which kakucho raised his one eyebrow in confusion. Thinking harumi is just joking like she always did.

The young girl smiled at kakucho and immediately opened the door widely, revealing the only person that kakucho have been wanting to see.

" TADA!!!" Harumi shouted on the top of her lungs with a huge smile showed on her face

" TADA!!!" Harumi shouted on the top of her lungs with a huge smile showed on her face

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11:12𝗽𝗺 | K. IzanaWhere stories live. Discover now