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Alya Cassiopeia Black was the third child to be born in the house of black along with her twin brother, older by 17 minutes, regulus black. She had a year older brother, sirius, who she looked up to. The siblings were very close in their younger years, inseparable. Alya liked to be like her brothers, athletic, adventurous, brave. Everything her mother didnt want her to be, her mother expected her to be graceful, polite, inferior to men. Alya couldn't live up to her expectations making her mother disappointed. Soon sirius went to hogwarts but rather than following the line and heritage of slytherins, he was sorted in gryffindor, making alya even more attached to him. He would write to his younger siblings about the great adventures of the marauders, they were like fictional characters to her. Too good to be true.
When the time came for the twins to be sorted, they were seperated. Regulus became the golden child by being sorted into slytherin whereas alya was given more reasons to be disappointed in by getting sorted into gryffindor. But that didn't mean anything to her, infact she was happy to have a change for once and being with her older brother. The house of black was famous for its pureblood mania and superiority which alya always hated. She wanted a chance to live her life outside all this discrimination and dark magic and gryffindor gave her that.
She would occasionally talk to regulus but he was becoming more distant by the day, her mother started yelling at her for the smallest reasons. During all this, sirius was with her. He was determined to keep his younger sister safe from every bad thing, so were moony, padfoot and wormtail. She often hung out with them along with dorcus, lily and marlene, they treated and protected her like a younger sister.  Her older brother being the playboy, wanted to keep his sister on the opposite track. Alya had many admirers, but never dated anyone because as soon as the word went out about someone trying to ask her out, one of her brothers were soon to work against it.
They never mentioned it but she knew, she wasn't mad about it either, it was better than telling no to them on their face.
She did however developed a crush, one that was on the no-no list set by her brother, but in her defence, almost every boy was on that list. The boy being her brother's best friend made it harder, she found out about remus' furry little problem in her 4th year, staying so close to them made it easier for her to find out. She wasn't allowed to follow them, that was the only rule she had, well other than not being able to date until her brother knew about the boy's history, routine, what he eats, how he sleeps, how he wears his tie and so on.
Lupin's secret didnt bother her at all, in fact made her even more attracted to him. Little did she know, the older boy had another secret of his own, known only to james because sirius might murder him if he knew.
They were the golden quartet but lupin never planned on being with someone, scared they might run off and break his heart if they find out, alya didnt mind. She was determined to make him not hate his werewolf side, asking questions about it, helping him heal after the night happens, telling him rare but great things about it.
She was happy, that was until sirius ran away. Making their mother give the soon to be 15 year old a hard time for being too close to him, she ordered the twins to be as distant as possible from him, but alya didn't like that rule, at all. Sirius was the only good thing she had in her life, and he came with the squad. They were her only hope
she was close to her older cousin sister, andromeda. Andromeda was 8 years older than alya, she eloped with a hufflepuff muggleborn, making the whole family hate her. They weren't allowed to talk but they often talked through letters. Alya's longing to meet baby nymph was the reason they started talking, sirius promised to take her to meet them but doesnt know how or when.
Alya has so many problems to face after she gets back home for the easter break, regulus being the golden child, wont talk to sirius as much and alya couldn't resist talking to her older brother. How will her mother react to this? Will she have the same fate like sirius or something worse?

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