chapter 12

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"Alya, will you marry me?"
"YESS I WILL MARRY YOU" alya screamed.
"no, you cant marry her!" Lily said.
"Sweet home alabama" marlene chuckled
"But why?" Sirius whined.
"Because she's your sister and my girlfriend" remus said with a sigh.
"Can I be the maid of honour please!" James said drunkily.
"They are NOT getting married" lily huffed again.
"I think I missed my period, am I pregnant"
"You cant get pregnant!"
"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT" james happily jumped.
"He is not pregnant, you three are so drunk you need to stop"
"Ok mum" alya said, making all the three snigger.
"You are forcing me to be one. Remus, get alya. Marlene and dorcus, you are on sirius duty. I get james. And no more drinks for you three until I get this baby out of me" lily pointed at her growing belly. Then she dragged her husband out if the room who kept whining.

"God i'm never letting you drink again" remus told alya as he picked her up in his arms.
"But you loooveee me"
"You just said you'll marry your brother"
"But you loooveeee meeeeee"
Remus manged to get alya in bed and took out her shoes. He got in bed and the night was silent.
"Yes alya?"
"Will you love me if I was a bowtruckle?"
"If you get me inside gold chambers then sure"
"Will you-"
"Alya?" He interrupted her.
"Yes remmy?"
"Please go to sleep"
"Yes mom"
27 seconds later he felt her hand creeping up to his chest and she snuggled in, remus turned over and held out his hand for her to put her head on. Soon the two were in comfortable sleep while dorcus and marlene struggled to get sirius up to his room, who kept weeping about how his two little girls, marlene and dorcus, were so big now.

Another month passed and it was time for alya to go on a mission, she usually went with remus but seeing as that night it was full moon, she was paired with the prewett twins, fabion and gideon, she wasn't complaining either, the twins have been her friends back in hogwarts, after the marauders those two were the light of a party and pranks. They were supposed to follow a lead inside a dark alley which according to dumbledore, was a place where several dark wizards were going to assemble. Dressed in cloaks which covered them head to toe, the trio made their way in. Following the tall man from a safe distance. They've been doing thus for weeks now, getting information during every meeting but everytime someone else would go there. The twins were there for the third time, having more information.

The joined the que of the supposed death eaters and followed them, keeping their heads down to not grab any attention. Suddenly a the que halted, another man was approaching the front of the que.

"We've gotten the news that there are imposters among us who are sharing our inside news to those of the other side. I demand you all to show me your dark mark before entering."
Alya gave the twins a panicked look, they were pretty much in the back of the group.
"Slowly start walking backwards, dont turn around, don't run. Apparate to a safe house when you reach the road." Gideon whispered to the two. They made their way out of the alley unnoticed, trembling with fear of getting caught. It was not death they feared but the the fear of accidently revealing something.

"Not so fast" a cackle suddenly erupted from the dark alley. Alya quickly held out her wand, the twins followed and the three stood back to back. Aiming at the three different alleys that connected with the roads.

"Thought the weasel was lying out of fear, dark lord will be pleased. That wuss has finally showed his faithfulness." Another voice, alya recognised this one.

"Avery" she spat
"Helluu little black, fancy seeing you here." He smirked.
"Ask the dark lord to you give you a new set of teeth avery, these are hideous. Or is he not capable of doing that either?" Fabion said.

"How dare you! Speak of the dark lord in that manner you fealth blood traitor." The other death eater yelled.
"Tell your dark lord I said hi. STUPEFY" Alya aimed at the death eater who quickly dodged it.
The twins began a duel with avery at the same time.
"Expelliarmus" the death eater's wand flew and came to alya.
Suddenly she felt heat inside her, like her organs were on fire. She screamed in agony, ahe managed to look at the death eater who was mumbling a dark curse. She fell to the ground. Her cries filling the alley.
"Petrificus totalas" gideon shot the spell at the death eater, freeing alya. Her face was red with tears in her eyes. Gideon rushed to pick her up while fabion dueled with avery.

"Alya, go now! We'll manage its just him." Gideon said.
"NO i'm staying"
"There's no point, you need medical help now. Just go we'll manage." He argued.
"Bombarda" avery yelled and aimed at the wall where the three stood.

It all flashed before alya's eyes, gideon pushing her back with all his force. She didn't know what was going on until she saw the wall collapsing on the twins. She tried to form a shielding charm over the two bht watched it fade because of her weak state. In a matter of seconds the wall was over them. She froze at her spot, there was no sign of movement under the pile.
"NOOOOO" she broke down and fell to her knees.

"Obliviate" she heard from her back, in a stance she got up and aimed at the new voice but stopped to see that the charm was not directed to her, but avery.
"Alya! You have to get out of here. They are coming" the voice ran forward and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Re-reggie?" She said in a broken whisper, raising her hands to touch his face as if to make sure it was actually her twin brother.
"Please go, they'll be here any moment"
"No! I-i have to save them. They'll be f-ine, I n..need to get them to st mungos. Help me reggie" she cried. Running towards the pile and lifting the stones one by one.

Alya stopped and looked at her brother. It crushed him to see the look on her face. I couldn't save them, i-i couldn't " she broke down again. She was too tired and too hurt to move.
"Cassi, please I beg you. You have to go, its full moon, dont go to your house. Go to s-sirius or the potters. dont trust anyone else, and I mean anyone." He said in a hushed voice.
"Peter" she whispered.
Regulus didn't meet her eyes. Anger fumed inside of her, she knew it and he knew she knew.

"I'll see you soon, I promise. I'm trying to get out of this. But I need you to go now" he said. Alya rapped him in a hug, still crying with the events of everything that happened in a matter of 20 minutes. Regulus slowly hugged her back, missing the bind they shared before both of them got wrapped up in war.two minutes later, both of them apparated to different sides of the war. Sharing the same motive

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now