chapter 10

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The wedding preparations have already began, they didn't want to waste any more time. The wedding was set to be held on 19 august in the potter's backyard with just family, close friends and order members. Today was august 13 and the black siblings, james and remus were out in the muggle world to buy some stuff for the wedding.
It was james's idea, to add some muggle rituals in their wedding to make it feel a bit more like lily and james.
"James for the fifth time, we need something blue, that blue isn't supposed to be a bird!" Alya pulled james away from the shop window.
"But its BLUE! And so pretty, why can't we have it?" He whined
"Maybe you're forgetting you have a cat mate, crookshanks won't let that thing survive for a day" remus pointed out with a shrug, taking a sip from his coffee.
"Pads can keep it then, he'll keep good care"
"Pads won't because pads doesnt like birds" sirius casually pointed out, earning three gasps.
"You don't like birds? WHO ARE YOU?" Remus looked at him with wide eyes.
"They dont meet up with the cite innocent expectations I had."
"OR you're just scared of them ever since that rooster chased you around our lawn when you were 13" alya smirked.
"WHAT?!"remus and james gasped together, with amused expressions on theri faces.
"you traitor, for everybody's information that rooster was bewitched to do so by our lovely cousin narcissa. She did that because I ate her pudding" sirius started to walk away but the three didnt.
"She just took the blame so he wouldn't be embarrassed didn't she?" James asked with a grin.
"Yup" alya replied, returning an almost similar grin.

The quartet was now in a convenience store, searching for ingredients to bake a muggle brownies that lily loved. James wanted to surprise his fiance who was currently working her arse of with euphemia, marlene, dorcus and alice in the manor to arrange the perfect small but special wedding.
The boys were looking around, amazed with everything there. Alya wasn't so amused because she's been to the muggle world plenty of times with lily before.
Finally founding the baking aisle she walked in to look for brownie ingredients, faintly hearing the boys in the hair aisle right next to her.
"Ahem" she heard someone from her behind, she turned around and saw man. A few years older than her with a smirk on his face.
"Hey beautiful, you think this hair looks sexy on me?" He asked while rubbing his chin, tracing alya's body subtly with his eyes.

A very bad and creepy attempt on flirting, alya thought. But she wasn't going to flip him off like she did to every other guy. Instead she decided to have some fun.
"You know what, i'm not a big expert on hair and stuff but my brothers and boyfriend are. Huge hair experts. They are in the next aisle, let me get them" she said, acting totally innocent in front of a totally confused boy.
"Oh boysss, this man just asked me whether he looked sexy or not. Mind helping me out?" She heard three pairs of very rushed steps from the next aisle, and her brothers and boyfriend came running in to find a smirking alya and a guy who was already planning to leave.
"Come on mate, i'll show you what sexy is." Sirius went ahead and put his arm around the man's shoulder in a not so friendly way.
"Need assistance siri?" Remus eagerly asked, covering his mad expression with an innocent one and followed his best friend and the man who just hit on his girlfriend.
James and alya just looked at eachother and then broke down laughing.
"10 sickles, I say they turn his hair green." James said
"I think its going to be a mixture of two colours"
10 minutes later, james was handing alya his 10 sickles when they saw the guy run out side with half green and half yellow hair. And the rest of the trip was followed by a very overprotective remus who was glaring at every single guy who even looked their way. His hand secured around alya's waist.

When they got home, alya went straight to bed. Being very exhausted by walking around the whole day. 10 minutes later she heard a knock on her door. Remus came in and got under the sheets.
"Hi" he said with a smile.
"Hi, how you feeling?" The full moon was tomorrow.
"Good now that i'm all comfortable and snuggled up with the love of my life" he said with a cheeky grin.
"You're so cheeky, I love you"
"I love you to moon and the saturn"
"Dont let sirius hear that, he's too heartbroken with james getting married, he'll say you're cheating on him" she laughed.
"Don't talk about your brother while we're cuddling, its weird"
"Got it"
Little did they know, sirius walked in 30 minutes later to check up on his sister and smiled to see his best friend and sister so happy together. The happiness and love they deserved after having such rough childhoods. They were prefect for each other and that made sirius happy.

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now