chapter 17

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The days went as a blur in the life of alya black. She moved into a small apartment after 4 months of living with her cousin. It was hard, so very hard. The people she grew up around were now gone. All of them. Her routine consisted going to the nearby muggle book cafe she worked in, soon promoted as the manager. Going weekly to visit frank and alice, monthly visits to neville, the boy loved her. She would go to the tonks mansion for Friday night dinners. Even though she was banned to do so, she would often find herself walking by little whining. Hoping to find a glimpse of the little boy who resembled her brother very much. She didn't see him often but cherished the moments she did. She remembered the one time she saw him in the garden, sitting alone under the tree. He was trying to secretly watch the tv, a 6 year old who couldn't watch tv in his house. He would come out to get the mail. It ached her, seeing her nephew being a slave. She wanted to storm in and take him away, she fought that urge because she knew he had to stay there until atleast he gets in hogwarts.

In a different part of london, remus lupin was struggling. Struggling to have a job, a house, struggling to be alive. He had lost the love of his life, it was all his fault. He had managed to go to the book cafe he knew alya worked in without getting caught a couple of times, he saw how all the light of her face was gone. It pained him too much so he stopped. It seemed to him that it'd be best if he doesn't bother her but how alya wishes he'd come.

Soon enough, years had gone by. Harry was now in hogwarts. Already faced death twice. Alya was very impatient about seeing him. Albus didnt let her, harry knew nothing about his past. That was until one day albus came to her house with minerva mcgonagall. With an offer.
"School counselor?" Alya raised her eyebrow.
"Times are tough, for both children and everyone else. A counselor would be a huge help, you can help them get through the tough problems they deal with, both academic and family matters. We both know you have enough experience of that. Plus, this would give you a chance to get close with harry."
That caught alya's attention.
"And this has nothing to do with the fact that sirius is on the loose?" She said. Seeing the expression on albus's she knew what was going on.
"Albus how many times, harry is safe from him, sirius will sacrifice himself to save harry. He would never hurt him and he didnt betray james and lily. Merlin believe me!" She raised her voice.
"Seeing the situation, its best if we don't take any chances."
"I KNOW my brother, believe me, I grew up with him. The ministry didn't even give him a hearing. They threw him straight to azkaban. You should've helped him, you know your word matters but you didn't."
"Peter pettigrew was killed"
"He deserved that! He was the real traitor, putting sirius in jail is like saying voldemort was right. You know what you did was wrong. If you could've just listened to me instead of taking my nephew away from me."
"Harry potter is safe at his aunt's house."
"I AM HIS AUNT. They treat him like a slave, they make him do servant stuff. Is that safe? His aunt hated his mother and all wizards, dont you think they'd hate him too? Harry should be with him, or with remus."
"Remus lupin is living in an unstable si-"
"You have no idea how far any of us will go to protect that kid. Harry didn't just have james and lily, he had three fathers and two mothers who'd die to protect him. The marauders were his family" She said in a low voice.

"Ok, both of you just calm down. I'll make some tea." Albus and alya both flinched, hearing minerva's voice.
"What? Did you actually forget that I was here?" She shook her head and went into the kitchen. The two sat in silence until they heard the voice of minerva's feet rushing back.
The three sat down around the coffee table.
"Now, albus I will do the talking you shush" minerva said.
Minerva glared at albus. "Yes minerva" he said, taking a sip of his tea. The interaction letting alya break into a smile.
"So, now for the actual reason we were here for. Alya dear, we'd really like it if you joined us. I could use another woman who'd put people in their places along with being a great mentor. Its about time we start introducing harry to people of his past. But, there are some deals you need to agree on."
Alya took a sip of her tea, nodding.
"First, you may not use your last name. I believe you but the children will be very scared to have person from the same family of a convicted murderer. Plus, we need to protect you from the eyes of ministry as well. Do you understand?"
Alya thought for a minute. Black wasn't a family she was proud of, except her brothers ofcourse.
"Gambol, i'd like to be known as alya cassiopeia gambol."
Minerva smiled. "Euphemia's maiden name. Wise choice."
"The other conditions?"
"Yes, secondly, you may not reveal your identity to harry-"
"How are you introducing me to him if he doesn't get to know who I am."
"Please, alya. It'd be too big of shock for Harry to see you like this. If he figures it out by himself then no problem. He's friends with harmion granger, that girl is crazy smart. They'd know who you are by the end of the year. And neville knows, he's too clumsy to not let it slip. If the situation is necessary you may tell him."
You'll get to meet him, you'll get to talk to him. You can take another year. Alya kept reminding herself.
"I accept."
Minerva flashed a victorious smile. She looked at albus, who was sulking into the sofa as he sat silently.
"That's how you do it" minerva said proudly. Albus huffed like a baby.
"I have one condition though" alya said.
"And that is?"
"No dress robes"

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