chapter 8

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"Hi boys" alya greeted the prewett twins as she entered the room where the meeting was being held.
The twins, fabian and gideon looked up to meet the brunette's smiling face.
"Hi liya" they chimed together.
"I still don't know how you created liya but I like it. It's pretty" she said
"Pretty just like you" a new voice came from the back. Remus lupin threw his hand around alya's shoulders and planted a small kiss on her head.

"Ugh get a room" fabion said as gideon made a gagging expression.
"You're just jealous that you don't have anyone to 'pda' with" remus said. But before they could say anything, dumbledore stepped in. Signalling it was time to start.
They all made their way towards the long table, dumbledore on one end and moody on the other. Alya sat between remus and Sirius, across from james and lily. Peter sitting right next to james, dorcus and marlene next to lily.
"I believe I come bearing a shocking news" dumbledore announced. Alya tensed, wondering what it could be. They've been receiving a lot of bad news recently, deaths, kidnapping.
"Nothing new" sirius commented.
"I'm afraid it is new mr. Black. There is no better way to put this, we have a traitor among us"
Everybody had a different reaction. Fear, denial, confusion.

"A traitor? What do you mean?" James asked, bending over.
"Someone has been sharing our plans, discussions, missions and whereabouts to the dark lord. It has been going on for some while now. I noticed it first a few months back, when the death eaters knew exactly where we sent alice. It was confirmed last week, all our missions being exposed continuously." Moody said, annoyance across his face.
"How will we find out who it is, I mean we all trust eachother. Accusing the innocent will turn us against eachother" lily said, others agreeing.

"I agree miss evans, we can't blame someone until its confirmed. Though I must ask you to not share your mission details to anyone in here, you may only speak of it to either me or alastor. No one else. It is very important that you do as I ask you to" dumbledore continued on with his speech but Alya's mind was somewhere else, or rather someone else. On a usual day she would share her opinion but after hearing the news, she was too busy eyeing the man sitting next to james.
Peter. Has been awfully quite, as he fiddled with his thumb and looking down at his shoes.
He did act like this a lot, ever since his days in hogwarts. But something seemed off and alya only hoped her theories were wrong about the man her brother and boyfriend called a brother.

*time skip*

"Do you really have to go?" Alya asked her brother for the hundredth time that day. They were all standing at the door of the potter's manor, james and remus were over to help sirius move out.
"Yes Aly, but why are worried? I'll be over all the time, probably more than you'd want me to" sirius said, pulling his sister in a hug.
"Then why can't I come to drop you off"
"Because it's not safe, i'll pick you up and take you there next week, I promise" remus said with a smile
"Don't forget sirius, sunday lunch every week" euphemia said, handing him a basket of food she prepared so that he doesn't have to cook the day he moves in.
"Yes mia, Thankyou for letting me stay here. Really means a lot, but you're not getting rid of me that easily. You'll see me hanging around here more than at my house so don't get all happy that i'm leaving"
"Believe me son, I knew you weren't gonna give me peace for the rest of my life when you first stepped inside through these doors. 5-6 years has made me ready for that" fleamont said, earning a laugh from everyone.

"All right, I should get going. Alya, don't give this old couple a hard time" sirius nudged his little sister.
"Compared to you lot, this one is an angle. So don't worry about that" euphemia commented.
"Being the miracle child, I thought i'd get a little more respect" james said, keeping his hand on his chest dramatically.
"Ok now GO! don't burn the house down" alya pushed sirius out of the door. Remus turned to give alya a quick kiss before he was dragged out by sirius. Being in a relationship for a year and half, someone must have taught sirius won't act weird, but this was the sirius black. He'll ALWAYS act weird around his sister and her boyfriend, even if the boyfriend was one of his bestmates

Alya's sadness of missing her brother didn't stay for long, when she woke up the next day and found sirius on the couch with james sitting next to him.
"Couldn't stay away for one night could you?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
"It was an emergency" sirius said innocently.
"And what was that?"
"He was out of doritos" euphemia yelled from the kitchen.
"Sounds like an emergency situation to me" james said, reaching his hand out to the bag of chips sirius held, before sirius slapped his hand, raising the chips up high. Alya, being the one standing, snatched it and sat between the two. The three sitting close and sharing it peacefully. That was until the fight began for the crumbs in the end and everyone had doritos crumbs all over them.

The three were having breakfast, Euphemia's cooking couldn't keep anyone away.
James was acting strange, somewhat nervous.
"Where's lily james?" Alya asked.
"Fine you found out, but i've thought about it a lot and its not an immature act. When do you think I should ask her?" James frantically asked.
"Ask her where she is?" Sirius asked, confused about why his best friend was acting so strange. Sirius took a sip of his orange juice.
"Not the time for jokes padfoot"
"No seriously james, what are you talking about?" Alya asked.
"What do you mean what i'm talking about, you just asked me about when i'm asking lily to marry me"
The juice in sirius' mouth was sprayed at james. Who with disgust wiped it off.
"YOU'RE WHAT!" Both the black siblings yelled at the same time.
"Wait, what did you ask me again?"
"I asked you where lily was!" Alya stood up.
James made a o shape with his mouth, finally realising.
"Oh i'm sorry, I was thinking about the proposal and then you took her name and I got all nervous"
"So we saw!"
"Wait are really gonna ask her that, this is such great news" alya cupped her mouth with her hands, tears slowly forming in her eyes and she launched herself to hug her brother like best friend. She got james by surprise as the chair stumbled but sirius caught the chair before the two could fall, james returned the hug with a warm smile
"Man I knew she'd steal you from me"
"He was never yours sirius" alya gave him an eyeroll.
Alya gasped as james took out the ring from his pocket.
"Its so pretty" she screamed.
"Its an heirloom, this is why I came here today. To get it from mum, its been passed on for generations." James informed while admiring the ring.
"When are you going to ask her?"
"In two days, when we meet here for sunday lunch. She has no clue, I just hope she says yes or its going to be embarassing."
"You are only 20, but she loves you so I think she'll say yes. This is so crazy, my two best friends are getting married, I have so much to do" alya jumped with excitement.
"For now, alya and sirius, I need you two to help me prepare for the greatest proposal in history!"

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