chapter 18

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Alya walked through the all too familiar bustling station. The scarlet engine steaming and families seeing their children off, seemed like years had passed but nothing had changed. The last time she remembered being at this station when she ended 7th year and jumped out of the station, immediately spotting her brothers, sirius and james, the love of her life, remus, her adopted parents, euphemia and fleamont, and her soul sister, lily.
She tried to not be emotional but it seemed too hard. She jumped on the first empty compartment she could find and closed the door.
Kids crossed the compartment, sone tried to open the door but moved along when it wouldn't open. The train started and about 2 minutes later a knock came on the door. Followed by a voice alya knew all too well.
"Excuse me? Is-is there a seat left? Everywhere else is full. I'd find seats w-with the slytherins but I don't think they like me very much. Oh-oh no, i'm sorry if you are a slytherin. Guess i'd try to sit with the driver instead."
Alya opened the door just as the kid turned to leave.
"Come in neville" she smiled.
Neville turned around in shock, taking a moment to comprehend what was happening, and then jumped on alya. Hugging her tightly.
"Aunty aly! What are you doing here? Oh hogwarts wont be scary anymore"
Alya hugged the kid back, bringing him in.
"Neville?" Alya asked, after spoiling him with a bunch of treats from the trolley lady. "Yes?" He mumbled with his mouth filled.
"You said something about the slytherins, do-do they bully you?" She asked with concerned.
Neville swallowed his food down.
"Well, they don't like me very much. Half their parents are in azkaban because of mum and dad." He took a bite of his licorise wand.
Alya thought for a minute, the school really did need a counselor.
"You don't have to worry about that, I promise. Anything happens, you come straight to me ok?" She said.
Neville nodded, just as he was about to say something, the train halted in a stop.
"That's weird, we couldn't be there yet" alya said.
Then the lights went out and neville jumped towards alya. The two looked out of the window, frost covering the glass. Neville gulped.
"I'm going to go and check what's happening" she got up, taking her wand out.
"I-i'll come" neville said.
"No! No no, we don't know what's going on. Go sit in the next compartment with the others. You'll be safe."
"What about you?"
"Oh you don't need to worry about me honey. Now, do you know anyone nearby?"
"Oh ya, harry potter and his friends are right next to me" he said. Alya stopped in her tracks. Guessing her expression in the dark neville said. "Haven't you met him yet? I reckoned you would've." He said in a small voice.
"It's ok nev, i'll have time. Go sit with them. Be safe" she lead him out and watched as neville went in the compartment. She turned around to look clearly. But all of a sudden she felt as if she was draining energy. Her mind was as cold as the weather outside.
"Oh no" she let out, knowing what was coming. Her breathes shortening. This was an experience she didn't want to relive. She pointed her wand into nothingness.
She felt something moving behind her, she turned around and saw it. A dementor, going in the exact compartment neville just went in.
"The kids" she gasped, she tried to run towards the compartment.
"Expecto patronum" she yelled out at the same time someone else from inside did.
The dementor was trapped between two patronuses. Alya was blinded by light to figure out who it was, since no kid could perform it yet.
The dementor vanished and the lights died down. Alya blinked, trying to get her vision back. She heard a gasp from the stranger who was standing in front of her.
"Al?" The voice said.
The world came crashing down in her heart. She took a sharp breath, no one has called her that ever since the night of halloween all those years again. Her vision finally came back, and she came face to face with the man she had loved. Before any one could say anything neville came running out. Crashing into Alya.
"I-i thought the thing hurt you. Y-you were alone outside!" He said worried.
"I'm ok nev, really." She wasn't ok, mentally. She had not expected remus to be there.
Another kid came running out, a girl who looked like neville's age. With bushy hair and a scares look on her face.
"It's harry! He won't wake up!" She cried.
It didn't take either of the elders a second to take action. Both ran inside. Alya almost broke down upon seeing the boy. But she controlled her features, knowing there were some who didn't know anything. She picked harry up and placed his head on her lap.
"Remus do something!" She pleaded. The man was still in daze after seeing her. But he sat down. "A spell won't work" he said. "Dementor's curse, has to be non magical" he panicked.
"I know something" the girl said.
"Muggle parents"informed. Alya nodded, telling her to try.
The girl sat down and in a brink of second slapped harry, right across his cheek. Alya looked at the girl with shock. Harry woke up with a jolt.
"ow hermione, that hurt" he said. Rubbing his cheek.
"Sorry" the girl, hermione, shrugged.
"Here" remus held out a bar of chocolate and handed it harry. Who took it with a confused look. "Eat, it helps" he said. "I'm going to go and check with the driver"
Harry sat with a strange look, as he was pondering things over. He still didn't touch the chocolate.

"You should really eat that, it will help you feel weird."
Harry looked at the strange woman who's lap he woke up in. As he took a bite he couldn't help but feel a sort of connection towards her, as if he knew her. She smiled at him in a motherly way.
"Uh, ms. Alya, I think you should join me. Check wether the students need help or not." Remus peeped inside the compartment.
Alya knew he was just trying to find a way to talk, she nodded. If they were going to be together this school year as colleagues, might as well talk.
Alya got up. Turned to look at the group one last time.
"Stay safe kiddos, call us if you need help. And neville, please dont go back to the compartment. Stay here with your friends." she said and left.

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