chapter 7

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It was mid June after Alya's seventh year. She was officially done with her school. Her last year was tough, her brother and all her friends already graduated, she was left alone with no friends and her twin brother who avoided her. She's been living with the potters ever since she ran away. James and lily already moved in together and Sirius began searching for a new house. Alya wasn't planning to move out anytime soon, she was now in the order. times were getting harder and it was very risky even to step outside. And even if she wanted to move out, her brother and named family would never allow her to live alone while death eaters constantly attacked members of order. she could move in with Remus, her boyfriend, but she wanted him to stay with his parents, his mother's illness was at it's last stage and she wanted him to be with her.

Alya slept comfortably in her warm bed in her room at the potter manor. small ray's of sun peeking through the window glowed on her sleeping figure. suddenly out of nowhere, she felt heavy weight on her bed, then the same weight falling on her body.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PANTHER" the known yell of her older brother's voice busted her ear drums.

"God paddy you're crushing her" Lily said.

"Did your girlfriend just call me fat prongs?" Sirius gasped, dramatically putting his hand over his heart.

"I think she did" Remus smirked.

"why would you put this false accusation on me Evans"

"maybe- because- you- are" Alya said from under the covers, more like gasped for air.

James, Remus and Lily watched with amusement as Sirius was pushed down from the bed and fell on the floor with a loud thud, groaning.

Two pair of rushed footsteps were heard coming from outside, Euphemia and fleamont barged in.

"oh it's just you" fleamont said with relief after locating sirus on the floor.

"what's that supposed to mean" Sirius got up, eyeing the parents of the whole group. Euphemia stepped towards Alya's bed and gave her a very warm hug.

"happy birthday my sweet child" she said

"thankyou mia" alya smiled. fleamont wished her next with a kiss on forehead.

"see Sirius, that's how normal people wish eachother" lily said, emphasising 'normal'.

"yes but normal and Sirius don't go together" james said, draping his hand around lily. Earning a glare from Sirius.

the parents left the room to go and prepare for Alya's birthday feast.

"18, that's adult in muggle world"

"so I can finally drink the muggle alcohol you speak of" Alya sheepishly said.

"yes but not without my supervision" Sirius said.

"you? left to supervised? mr. padfoot out of every person on the earth you are the one who needs supervision around drinks" remus remarked.

"what's wrong Alya?" james asked, the first one to notice her sudden change of mood. everybody turned to her. She looked up to match their gaze. Tears forming in her eyes as a sad smile formed on her face.

"he's not here" warm tears fell down her cheeks, Sirius quickly moved and embraced his sister in a hug. they all knew this might happen, they knew some part of her dreaded this day. Sirius brushed her hair with his hand as she cried on his chest.

"It doesn't feel like birthday without him" her muffled cry was the only sound in the room.

"you'll see him Aly. I know you will"

alya just nodded, she missed her twin brother more than ever. they haven't talked properly in years.

"come on, you go get freshen up. I can smell mia's food all the way from here."

alya chuckled while nodding.

They all left, leaving Alya and Remus alone in the room. Alya smiled at him. Her face still red.

"hi" remus smiled as he sat down on her bed.

"Hi" alya shuffled closer to him, resting her head on his chest as he embraced her.

"happy birthday"


before remus could say anything else, the door opened and Sirius's head popped in. Scaring the couple.

"5 feet apart" he chimed. Alya grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him. Sirius ran.

"come on, we should go downstairs" remus said. Alya nodded and with a quick peck on her lips he was gone.

she quickly washed her face and brushed her hair and went downstairs. welcomed by Euphemia's famous food, she sat down between her brother and Remus.

The day was spent at the manor, too risky to go outside. But they made it worth it. She opened all her presents. Sirius gave her a pendant which had a small daisy hanging from it. the daisy symbolizing the daisy garden Sirius, Regulus and Alya would go to to escape their mother. Alya asked Sirius to help her put it on, promising she would never take it of. they were joined by the tonks family, peter and marlene. Dorcus, frank and alice were on a mission so they couldn't make it.

everybody was happy to have a getaway from all the terror going outside. Alya missed her twin dearly but was grateful for all the people around her.

somewhere in London regulus sat in a death eaters meeting, only one thing going in his mind. His sister. he wasn't even sure whether they'll meet again. he woke up and cried. he already had lost happiness in his life. surrounded by people who only wanted death and chaos, death of his sister, brother and the people who loved them more than anybody else. Regulus would give anything to run from this, but he stayed. he stayed to keep them alive.



for anybody who's confused, the previous chapters were a take on how the characters were. the real story starts now.

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