chapter 13

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Alya apparated to the potter's in godric's hollow. She had to tell them about peter before it was too late. She arrived on the doorstep and was about to ring the bell when the door opened,  very anxious remus opened the door and hugged alya.
"Thankgod you're back, we have to leave NOW"
"What? Where are the others? I have to tel-"
"St. Mungos, I stayed to wait for you, others are already there. We have to go or it would be to late."
"Rem, what is going on. I-is is it lily?"
Remus shook his head and looked alya in her eyes.
Alya covered her mouth as she gasped. Fleamont and euphemia were in the st. Mungos, dealing with the last stage of dragon pox.

The couple ran through the corridors of the hospital. Looking for james and sirius. On the third floor they found them, sirius kneeling down on the floor, his hands in his hair. James on the bench, too disturbed to move.
"Sirius" alya yelled, grabbing their attention. The two siblings ran at eachother and collapsed on the floor with a hug.
"They- they are saying they won't live. T-to put them out of m-misery they are pu-putting them to s-sleep today." Sirius cried. "W-we told them to wait for you."
James joined the hug, remus wanted to but he pulled himself together, these three were raised by them, remus had to help them through with this.
"I'm so scared, so-so scared." James whispered by sobbing.
"Is there no other way?" Alya said in the same tone.
James shook his head. "They are in too- too much pain. They are old."
"I can't lose them, i-i just can't" alya sobbed.
"The baby, they wont meet the baby." James said.
"Where's lily?" Alya suddenly said.
"Too much pressure on her and the baby, we haven't told her yet. Its not good for either of them. She's at alice and frank's." Remus said.
Suddenly the door opened, a nurse came out. "It's time, you might want to talk to them." The three got up together, trembling with fear.
"Mr. Potter, I can allow direct family only."
James looked at the black siblings, who were turning around to leave, and then looked back at the nurse.
"They are family." He said.

"Hi mom" james said as he entered with alya and Sirius.
"Always the one to acknowledge your mother first, i'm on death bed too!" Fleamont coughed.
"Don't worry monty, I got you" sirius tried to joke, but everybody could see he was broken inside.
"Catherine, will you do me a favour and bring the boy who is waiting outside to us please" euphemia said in a raspy voice.
"Ofcourse mrs potter" the nurse smiled nd went outside. They were soon joined by remus.
"Where is peter?" Fleamont asked.
Alya wanted to tell them that he was a traitor but everybody was dealing too much already, so she decided to not bring it up.
"H-he's with family" remus said.
"Come here kids" euphemia patted on her bed, signalling all of them to sit with the old couple. Sirius and remus sat beside fleamont, james and alya with euphemia.
"Now, I want no tears. No sad auras, we are celebrating this last day together ok."
Nobody said anything else, they were sitting in a painful silence. Alya finally spoke.
"Thankyou for everything you did, you treated us like your kids. Sirius and I never had a proper family but you made us feel welcomed. I-i can never thank you enough" alya's face was red, she sobbed uncontrollably.
Euphemia smiled and held her hand.
"No, thank YOU, we had lost all hope but then james came, so late, we were already in our 50s, he was our miracle child. But the real miracle was that we got 4 more kids with him, a beautiful and independant daughter and so many brilliant sons. You made us happy" a tear rolled out of euphemia's eyes.
"Alya dear" fleamont said. "Take care of the boys for us will you? They wont stay out of trouble unless you pull them inside with their ears." Alya chuckled and nodded.
"I love you both so much" she whispered.
"We know" euphemia smiled and hugged her, the comfortable and warm motherly hug.
"Excuse me" alya said and she got up, walking out of the door in rushed walking. The moment she got outside she broke down. She had lost 4 people in the same day. It was too hard. She screamed and wallowed, pulling her hair. She had been keeping her emotions inside for too long. She felt someone grab her, the smell of chocolate comforting her.
She cried in his chest, his jumper soaking wet.
She felt someone use a spell on her, and then she met with darkness.

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