Chapter 15

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"do you think harry will like this?" Sirius pointed to a little lion cub soft toy on the shelf.

"lily and james will kill us if we spoil that kid any further, it's better if you don't, atleast not today, we are already getting him his frog" Alya said as she picked a bag of chocolates for remus, he was sick due to the full moon and couldn't come to the potter's that day. Sirius pouted and went to the next shelf to look for hair supplies. After 10 minutes of browsing they finally made it to the billing counter, as Sirius flirted with the clerk alya bagged the goods and told Sirius she'd be waiting outside. about 5 minutes later Sirius came out with a cheeky grin, his hands in his leather jacket pocket.

"you got the cub didn't you Sirius?"

"it was so cute and we are teaching harry about his future Hogwarts house anyways" Sirius whined.

the pair apparated a little near to the house.

"what if he turns out to be a slytherin?" alya teased, knowing her brother well enough that this will annoy him.

"I know he won't, look at his brining up. Kid is surrounded with gryffindors." sirus as he turned around the corner. "or I will bewitch the sorting heart to put him in Gryffindor" Sirius laughed, but when he didn't get a reaction from her he turned to look at her. Worry hit him as he saw the fear on his sister's face, white struck and tears threatening to fall.

"al wha-" he began to say but then matched her gaze to where she was looking with shock. Sirius's life turned upside down. the potter manor, once full of light and joy was now in ruins. no sign of living. Alya ran towards the house, Sirius following behind. She felt her heart beat rising. As soon as they opened the door, alya broke out a cry, there in front of them laid the lifeless body of james potter. no sign of joy or happiness. Sirius fell to the ground near james, aggressively shaking his limp body.

"prongs, this isn't funny. wake up, wake up! YOU'RE NOT DEAD JAMES WAKE UP!" he screamed in pain. alya sat down next her brothers, one dead, other dead from inside.

Sirius looked at alya, his eyes red. He grabbed his shoulders. "ali, he's not moving. He's not-" he didn't complete the sentence and screamed, so loud that alya winced. Alya was much in shock to say anything, she stroked James's cheek.

"oh my god" she gasped and got up, going up the stairs.
"LILY! LILY WHERE ARE YOU!" she yelled. she checked the potter's bedroom. no sign, that's when she heard the cry of a baby coming from the nursery. she barged in the room, instantly spotting a bleeding and crying harry in his crib, lily's lifeless body right next to it.

"NOOO" alya wailed. she ran and fell next to lily, picking her head up and placing it carefully on her lap. she heard footsteps, two of them. She spotted Sirius running upstairs, hagrid behind him, james in his arms. "oh dear god" hagrid gasped upon spotting lily.

"She's gone, THEY'RE BOTH GONE" alya wailed. She cried so hard she couldn't breath.

Sirius picked harry from his crib, the boy's face lighting up with warmth. But was still crying, sensing the atmosphere and his parents who for the first time weren't smiling.

Sirius sat down next to his sister with harry on his lap, hagrid placed james next to lily. nobody said anything, the room was filled with alya's sobs. Sirius seemed to be in a trance, a broken expression on his face. the broken look soon turned into a face of realisation and anger.

"THAT RAT" he yelled, placing harry in alya's lap and getting up. "HE DID THIS, THAT BLOODY TRAITOR" he stomped towards the door.
Alya got up, running after Sirius, hagrid running after her.
'Sirius STOP! DON'T LEAVE PLEASE" she cried, scared for what more can happen. Catching up with him and grabbing his hand. Sirius turned around. "HE IS THE REASON THEY ARE GONE, HE IS THE REASON WE LOST OUR FAMILY AND SO DID HARRY. HE WILL PAY FOR THIS" harry snuggled deeper in alya's embrace, scared of Sirius.

"Please..." alya said in a small voice, her throat hurting from all screaming. but sirius didn't listen and alya heard the sound of apparition, signalling he had left.

"alya" hagrid said, she had completely forgotten about his presence. "I have direct orders from professor dumbledore to bring harry to him. 'm sorry. he's goin to give im to his aunt"

"i AM his aunt, he will not be going to that hell. He is my family and i can take care of him well enough." Alya said, hugging harry tightly.

"I can't deny his orders, he is doing it for a good reason. he is dumbledore after all. I'm sorry but there is no arguing about it."

alya took a deep breath, realising she really didn't have a say in it. she looked at harry, tears flling from her eyes.

"harry i'm so so sorry, you're too young to deal with this. I love you, so do your uncles and your parents, I will always love you and I promise I will come get you when the time is right." she whispered to the little boy who was playing with her necklace. she kissed him on his forehead and carefully handed him to hagrid. just as hagrid was about to leave she called out. "WAIT" and ran inside the house, she came outside after a minute with a bag in her hands.

"these toys, make sure he has them. And take siri's scooter." she said, handing hagrid the keys and the two soft toys they bought earlier.

"stay strong kid" hagrid said, patting her on her head. Alya saw as they flew away, loosing yet another person that day. She went back inside the house, up to the nursery.

"thankyou for everything" she whispered to the couple, holding their hands. hagrid had told her that dumbledore wanted her to gather some stuff before the aurors come and take everything away. she looked around, everything had memories. it pained her to see the pictures that were hung up all over the house, most of them had Sirius, Alya and remus in them along with the potters. she grabbed the photo albums, charmed her pocket to hold as many things it can. she was almost done when she heard a loud bang outside, she grabbed her wand and ran to the window to see the intruder, or intruders. Out of the 10 people downstairs she could recognize a few, she ran downstairs. All wands pointed at her making her close her eyes with the sudden flash.
"WANDS DOWN" a familiar gruff commanded. moody.

"Alya?" frank Longbottom stepped forward. Alya looked at him and frank towards her. "are you ok?" he asked. "physically" she said. he hugged her. "alya I need you to listen to me, they have convicted Sirius for murder charges"


"I know but he has witnesses, he killed peter and a dozen of muggles in the process. something is up and I believe you. alice does too, we know Sirius wouldn't do that but two aurors can't change the ministry's mind. they wanted someone to blame and they got a chance. he is on his way to Azkaban, I want you to go home, to remus. I will keep you updated but lay low, you are related to 5 death eaters, one bad move and they will take you as well. please I know it hurts and it is too much to process right now but I promised them I will keep you out of ministry's reach and I can't break that promise. go home"

"they were my home" she said in a soft cry.

"you are always welcome at the longbottoms, whenever you need us" he hugged her and she turned to look at the house that was her comfort place one last time.

"hey! we can't let her go without questioning her, she was found on the place of crime!" a man pointed out.

"you will do no such thing" moody glared at the young man who gulped. "go home kid" he said.

Remus lupin was sleeping in his bed, oblivious to what was going on. suddenly the alarms went out and he got up, grabbing his wand from the bedside and cautiously went downstairs. the door opened and he saw alya, as much as he wanted to hug her and kiss her, he had to make sure it was her afterall, alya was supposed to spend the night at the potter's before he could ask her a question she broke down.

"they are gone, they are all gone"


screaming, crying, throwing up

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now