Chapter 6

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Alya's breathing increased, she could feel her heart daring to get out of her body, beating so fast. All the emotion she held in so far, it all came out. She ran to her stunned brother and wrapped her arms around him, who took a moment to understand and hugged her back.
She let her emotions take over and fell to her knees, pulling sirius with her in the process. Both the siblings sat on the ground, alya crying in his chest.

"I couldn't do it sirius, I couldn't take it anymore" she said between sobs, sirius rubbed her back. Letting her speak first.
"It was suffocating, the-the house was suffocating."

Hearing her cries euphemia and fleamont potter came downstairs.
"Oh my" euphemia exclaimed, watching the state alya was in.

"Who did this ali?" Sirius asked after a minute as his sister still cried.
"Bellatrix? What was she doing there?" James asked nervously, he was now standing next to remus. Alya slowly looked up, it broke everybody's heart in the room when they saw her red puffy and tired eyes.
"They wanted me to marry Rabastan" she slowly mumbled, not believing her own words.

"Rabastan?........ My god bellatrix's brother in-law?" Sirius was outraged. Alya nodded and euphemia gasped.

"Reggie helped me escape, before she could do more. Mother hit me sirius, she hit me. She just stood there as they forced me to go with them, she didnt even care" Alya broke down once again, this triggered Euphemia's motherly senses and she rushed to the siblings.

"Oh she has already dealt with so much, let me clean her wounds up and you then go rest dear. We can talk about this in the morning, dont be scared. You're safe now" euphemia gave her a motherly hug, alya was delighted. Feeling her warmth against her body, something she has never recieved from her mother.

After taking a bath, alya's cuts were cleaned and bandaged. After saying she had no appetite for supper, euphemia took her to the guest room.
The three boys sat by the fire, silence surrounding them. None sure of what words to use.
Remus was staying for the night since it got too late to travel. Fleamont was at the nearby village to buy some necessary stuff for alya. 

In the room upstairs euphemia was helping alya settle in.
"We saved this room for you, ever since sirius came we knew you were going to as well. He couldn't stop talking about how he wanted his siblings to escape. Reckoned you'll like this room, it has a lot of natural lighting." Euphemia said with a smile.

"Thankyou so much mrs. Potter, really I cant thank you enough for all of this and all you did for siri. And I am sorry if i'm troubling you, i'll figure something out you wont have to be worried about me living here for long"
"Troubling?, my dear girl you are not leaving this house until you're 27, or even longer. You're my daughter now no matter what you or others say."
Alya rushed forward, startling the elder woman in a hug. Soft tears forming in her eyes but both remained in a comfortable silence. Euphemia stroked her hair gently.

As euphemia was leaving the room she turned to girl in the bed.
"Oh and call me aunt mia, mrs potter sounds too official. Goodnight sweetheart" she said, turning the lights of.
Alta smiled gently. "Goodnight to you too mrs- aunt mia"

Alya thought it would be hard to fall asleep that night, but she was wrong. She was too exhausted to even keep her eyes open, her eyelids feeling heavy soon consumed her in darkness. A dreamless sleep.

But there were others that night who had trouble falling asleep.
Sirus, sitting around with the boys. Too angry and overwhelmed to say anything, blaming himself and his one of a kind mother. The torture his little sister had to go through at the age of just 14. Angry at himself for not being there.

Second was remus lupin, the scene of alya getting up and hugging him, trembling with fear and bleeding kept repeating in his mind. Her being cursed to being abused, happening just in the span of two weeks. It broke him to see her broken face.

Third was james potter, watching his friends. Knowing exactly what they were thinking. Trying to form words to help atleast one of them. Him too, having it hard to believe that the girl, who he called his sister going through all this.

Fourth was regulus black, laying in his dark room staring at the ceiling. Wondering what state his twin was in. Finally realising how sirius felt and angry at himself for being mad at sirius. Being disgusted by the "love" his mother gave him while his siblings only recieved pain. The look alya gave him, not wanting to leave him alone in when she was in a situation like this. But he knew he had to keep his distance, they wont like it.

It was around 10 am the next morning and alya was sitting by the window, gazing outside. She loved the warmth and light here.
She was soon interrupted from her thoughts by a knock on the door. She turned to ses remus standing there. He came and sat next to her.
"I have something, or someone that could cheer you up" he said with a smug. It didnt go unnoticed by alya how much he was trying to keep her mind off of the previous day's incident.
Alya sighed. "Remmy, thankyou for trying but as much as I love peter, his failed card tricks weren't adorable by the fourth time he lost his card in sirius's hair" peter had had come that morning after hearing what had happened. Remus chuckled.
"As happy I am to hear that i'm not the only one who thinks that, its not peter. Come on, you'll like this one" he got up and held out his hand, motioning to alya to grab it. Alya gave him a confused look and then finally held his hand. He led her downstairs to the family room.
Alya finally noticed the person, or three of them. She gasped and let go of remus's hand and ran to the visitors.
"ANDY!" she tackled her older cousin in a hug.
"What are you doing here?" Alya asked in happiness, the voice attracted the other members in the house. Soon joined by james and sirius who were smiling inside along with remus to see alya happy. Ofcourse all of them knew they were coming.
"Heard there was another disowned runaway black in the family" she winked at sirius. Who smiled awkwardly.
"And ofcourse, there was a meeting due" she said, taking the baby from her husband. Alya shrieked happily to finally see her baby nephew.
"You brought dora! Can I hold her please"
"Haha ofcourse" she carefully handed the baby to her. Who upon seeing the younger girl giggled, holding her tiny hands to grab a hold of her black hair. Her hair turing purple. Alya gasped at this.
"She- she's a metamorphmagus! She's the coolest baby ever!"
"She is, isn't she. She has an even cooler godmother" ted said, alya looked up in confusion.
"Well ofcourse we had to pick you for the job, no one could do a better job. And also everybody else I know either hates me or isnt allowed to talk to me" Andromeda shrugged at the last part. Alya stayed silent, processing what was happening. She then turned to the boys, who were smiling at her approvingly. Never have seen her more happier.
Alya looked at the baby in her hands. "Hear that dora? You get the coolest godmother in the world. Now be careful I just might steal you" she said, tickling her feet.

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now