Chapter 5

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"what are you doing here?" alya asked, forgetting about every manner her mother ever taught her. she knew well enough about all the bad and dark stuff she was in along with her husband and brother-in-law.

"now now, is that how you greet your sister my dear Alya" Bellatrix replied with a cocky laugh.

"Alya, respect your elders" her mother said sternly, which was ignored by Alya. Alya looked at her mother.

"mother, can I please be excused" she said, forcing the please so that she isn't a part of whatever's happening.

"haha, ofcourse not. this all if for you" Bellatrix answered yet again. Alya looked at the three lestranges.

"wh-what do you mean?" Alya tried her best to hide the fear in her voice. It didn't work so well which made Bellatrix.

"Alya Cassiopia Lestrange. hmm sits well together. doesn't it" Rudolphus said.

Alya tensed, her heart beating faster.

"what are you saying- mother what does he-"

"oh rudolphus, you missed the fun part honey. but let's just get straight to the point now that the bag is open." Bellatrix joked "Rabastan here has agreed to take your hand in marriage." Alya froze, her eyes widening.

"you-you're joking. This is all a h-huge mad joke." Alya's eyes fought the urge to stop her eyes from watering. she could feel the lump in her throat forming. "mother i'm not even 15 yet, I still have school. I don't even know him, don't do this mother"

"you have brought enough disgrace upon the noble house of black along with the older boy-"

"he's your son"

"don't interrupt me Alya" her mother threatened. "you should be grateful bella agreed to take you in-"
"she agreed? what about me?" alya yelled.

"I said don't interrupt me Alya" her mother spit angrily before hitting her right across her soft cheek. Alya could feel her tears stinging where she just got hit. "you will do as I say, this is the last resort of your drama. Take her away Bella"

Bellatrix got up and grabbed her wrist tightly, so tight she knew it was gonna bruise.

"no- no let go of me" alya tried to jerk free her hand, she looked at her mother. "why are you doing this, I am your daughter- please don't do this I beg you" she cried

but her mother had no emotion in her face. Alya's other wrist was grabbed by rabastan. who just smirked.

"don-don't touch me, NO don't do this" she tried with all her force and pushed Bellatrix away and kicked rabastan in his stomach. this made Bellatrix angry and she pushed Alya so hard that she fell and hit her head on the doorframe. A huge gash on her hand because of the sharp statue near by, alya pushed herself backwards as she saw the woman coming closer to her.

"P-PLEASE, don't I beg you, don't do this" she begged, her head hurting and blood seeping down. Bellatrix just laughed. alya hoped in all her faith that this was a bad dream.

suddenly she heard a small pop and saw all her stuff packed along with her wand appear inside the fireplace that was the floo network. this went unnoticed by the four adults. Alya looked up and saw regulus hiding behind a door on the top of the stairs, kreacher standing next to him which she suspected was the reason behind the magic.

regulus saw the blood on her sister and took a deep breath and nodded. telling her to go. She looked at him with doubt, not wanting to leave him behind. regulus didn't wholeheartedly want his sister to leave but the problem she was in right now was much greater. he mouthed GO. Alya took one last glance at his brother and stood up, she grabbed the teacup from the table and threw the hot substance at Bellatrix, show screamed in pian.

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