chapter 11

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it was the wedding day, everybody was in a rush but everybody was happy. lily and james were in the two opposite parts of the house getting ready. there weren't money people coming but alya still wanted everything to be perfect. remus and a group were aurors that were invited through the order were outside checking the security. it was 30 minutes until the wedding and Sirius came running to alya.

"It's-it's prongs, he's freaking out. you need to come with me"

"aren't YOU the best man?" but Sirius didn't hear her as he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him.

alya opened the door to the guest room james was in and saw him ruffling his hair.

"Look james, getting last minute jitters before wedding is very common but when are standing at the archway it'll all fade away you just-" james interrupted alya and put up his arms.

"woah woah woah, what are you talking about? who's getting last minute jitters?"

"Sirius told me you were freaking out!"

"freaking out over lily? I could never. I've been wanting to marry that woman ever since third year."

"too bad she hated you back then" Sirius said while taking a sip out of his flask, alya went over and snatched it from him.

"it's 10 in the morning, you need to be sober for the ceremony" she whispered yelled.

"I need it to be strong, my bestfriend is marrying someone else"

"enemies to lovers, my favourite trope." james said replying to Sirius's comment.

"then what are you freaking out about?"

"my hair, its too messy for the tux. lily will freak out" he said, while trying to comb his hair down.

"your hair's been a mess ever since you were born, if anything lily will freak out if it was normal."

"Just be ready, you need to go down there now" alya walked outside but stopped when james called her out.

"how does my baby look?" he said with the most adorable smile.


"she looks gorgeous, i'm afraid you'll faint" she chuckled. alya went to him and wrapped her arms around him, no words were passed. it was a silent conversation.


Alya smiled at remus as she walked down the aisle, he admired her with warm eyes. her silk brown dress hugged her body perfectly. She winked at him as she went and stood on the opposite side of Sirius, next to marlene, alice and dorcus.

"i'm marrying you one day" he mouthed. Sirius elbowed him and whispered "not so fast". which made alya chuckle.

everyone got up when lily entered with her father. james was in tears and so were lily, Sirius, remus and alya. she looked beautiful as she gracefully walked down the aisle.

the ceremony was filled with tears and laughter. when they finally kissed, james looked at the small crowd and yelled. "I MARRIED LILY BLOODY EVANS! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" the marauders jumped up and down and lily gave the bridesmaids and alya a disappointing look.

"you married yourself into it' marlene shrugged.

"I think you just married four toddlers lils" Dorcus followed marlene.

"oh come on, don't be so negative. I can still call amos diggory, he'll run wit you" alice said.

"He has a kid!' lily said with wide eyes

"I heard the kid is even more gorgeous, cedric was it?" alya's comment finally broke the girls down in laughter.

it was soon time for reception, which meant toast. after Sirius it was alya's turn.

"I know i'm supposed to be the bride's side of the family since i'm the maid of honour but james has been a brother to me ever since Sirius introduced us. I saw him go from attracted to fall for lily in my second year. she called him an arrogant toerag and I was there to laugh on that, and when james talked about how lily accidently touched him when they were going to dinner, I was there too. I saw them grow close and that made me want to have someone like that. james is like the fun parent, who can brighten your mood in a second and give you a solution through that, while lily is the parent who'll sit with you and hear you rant. that makes them perfect for each other. james was the first one to accept me in the group, after Sirius ofcourse. he's a cotton ball most of the time, but was the first to go and yell at my ravenclaw boyfriend when he cheated on me. He was the mom whenever any of us got sick, I could sit with him and talk about my problems and in the end my tears would tur into joyful ones.

most of all, james invited not just Sirius but also me into his house, the potters treated us like there own kids and have been a bigger family then I've ever felt earlier. james let me use his hair brush when mine broke, it think that was the hardest thing he's ever done. but the way I felt like his little sister all the time with no guilt is the proof how much james made me immune to have affection. the proudest I've ever felt was when I overheard a group of slytherins talking about how they can't prank on me because my two older brothers, Sirius and james will never let it go. people actually believe he's my brother and I do too. the day I escaped from the mad house and got accepted here would be the most traumatizing and the happiest day of my life. James, I love you and thank you for everything, everything you've ever done for me intentionally or unintentionally. I can never imagine a life without you in it."
Bye the end almost everyone was in tears, james got up from his seat and jogged his way to alya, giving her bear hug. She cried, he cried, it was all happy tears.
"You'll always be my sister panther. Always" he kissed her on her forehead.
Alya sat between remus and sirius. Remus grabbed her hand gently and gave it a squeeze. She leaned and rested her head on his shoulder.
"I'm still your favourite brother right?" Sirius asked, she wasn't sure if he was joking or not.
"Aw, is wittle padfoot jealous of?" Remus pouted.
"You're my hero siri, of course you're my favourite brother." Alya smiled and so did sirius.
Everybody gathered around for the first dance. As coupled soon started to join remus turned to alya.
"Share a dance with me?"
"Every dance ever"
And they danced all night, it was like they were in a snowglobe, surrounded by happiness and joy. Nobody was scared about the war at the moment, they were just cherishing it. After some dances sirius asked to dance with alya, and then james. It was one of the most happiest days in alya's life, although she didnt know, she was surrounded by everyone she loved dearly.
Even the disguised man in the corner who didn't speak to anyone that night, he was just happy to be there and see some light. Happy to see his twin sister in love, his brother happy as they had a dance battle. The boy who helped his siblings so greatly by giving them a second family, talk to the love of his life. Grateful that james and lily trusted him enough to let him join on such an important day in their life.

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