chapter 4

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After being able to get back to her dorms, alya had a fast recovery. Easter holidays were closing up and she was scared. she didn't want to go back to that house where she didn't know what her ignorant mother kept in account for her. Sirius had noticed his sister getting more tense as the days arrived and that killed him. he promised her that he would work something out before summer but the fact she had to spend another 10 day there made him blame himself for everything. how could he be so selfish and leave his siblings there and escape his problems?

Regulus only talked to him when alya was in the wing, only about her. he felt as if he was the reason of the distance slowly arising between the twins. the marauders often reminded him that he wasn't but it was no help.

Sirius sat by the window in the common room, thinking about ways he can help his sister. the other marauders sat at the couch, Remus was doing his homework, peter was copying the work Remus did and James was laying down, playing with his snitch. Sirius was cut short by a familiar voice coming from upstairs.

"arrgggggggghhhhhhh" James sat up straight.

"SIRIUS!!! HELPPPPPPP!!!'' the marauders ran upstairs.

"ALYA?!" Sirius yelled, they barged into her dorms where she sat alone on the corner of her bed, traumatized. she looked at the boys and pointed at something below her bed. The boys were quick to move their gaze to wherever the pointed.

"SNAKE!!! there's a freaking Snake under my bed!" she yelled.

"WHAT!?" peter shrieked in a high pitched girl like voice and jumped on Alya's bed.

"how did a snake get in your dorm room?" James asked, very confused


Remus quickly took out his wand and bent downwards, Sirius took Alice's empty laundry basket and placed it near the end of her bed. James cautiously approached. Remus then moved towards the side of the bed.

"careful moony" alya whispered. remus put his end inside and everything was silent for a minute.

"arrrrrggggghhhh it bit meeeeeee" Remus shrieked, getting outside. Holding his wrist. He moved in panic and screamed.

"remus! remus are you ok" Alya jumped from her bed and knelt down beside him along with james and Sirius. peter made his way towards the part of the bed that was nearest to the group.

"oh no he's turning blue" james said

"what!? no he isn't!'' Alya tried to deny it.

"he is going crazy, might be the venom" Sirius pointed out casually.

"WHAT!?" Alya shrieked out yet again.

"he might lose his memory" James said, Alya snapped her head to face James.

"or we're gonna have to cut his hand to stop the venom get to his heart or he'll become a snake"

alya scrunched her nose in confusion to what Sirius just said.

"Turn into a snake? siriusly Sirius? you blew it away" remus said, sitting up back again like nothing happened. Alya looked at the boys, slowly realising. Sirius took out a fake snake from under her bed and wiggled it in front of the fuming girl playfully.

"YOU ARSE, YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I AM OF SNAKES." she smacked Sirius's head with her hand.

"shit boys" james remarked and all three of them got away and ran straight out of the girls dorms, followed by a very angry Alya.

they ran in circles around the common room. James eventually tripped, remus tripping over him, Sirius over the two of them and Alya on top of the three. Peter who was watching this from a safe distance jumped on all four of them.

'ow" Alya groaned.

James pushed remus off of him resulting the four to fall on each other.

"ugh siri get off" alya said. slowly everyone got up, remus gave his hand to Alya to help her up.

"hold up, none of us put the snake there, we just tagged along. then who did" james said.

"looking for this boys?" a voice grabbed their attention. Up stood marlene on top of the stairs, laughing and playing with the fake snake. her fake snake.

"MARLENE!!!!!" the five of them yelled in sync.

"uh oh" the laughter drained off of her face and another chase began.


The marauders sat in the train, along with Alya ofcourse. They were 20 minutes away from London which meant Alya had to go so that her mother doesn't catch her with Sirius.

"Alya anything happenes and you come to me ok? you know the potter's mansion" Sirius said for the hundredth time. Alya simply nodded.

"i'll miss you, all of you" she said hugging Sirius.

"it's just 10 days panther, it'll be over before you know it." James said, embracing her in hug.

"don't let your mother get to you alright?" remus said. And peter handed her a box of sweets and smiled.

There was a knock on the door and regulus stood outside.

"you ready to go?" he asked, not looking at anyone else. Alya nodded, she was grateful that regulus wasn't a pratty brother and told her mother that she was with Sirius all the time, which was against the rule.

"take care of each other you two." Sirius awkwardly said, regulus made a quick glance at his older brother and nodded.

"bye Sirius, remus, james, pete"

"bye panther" they all said as the twins walked away.


it had only been two days since the easter breaks started. It was bad, really bad. Alya didn't leave her room except for supper and her mother didn't mind. Everytime they sat together, remarks were passed which Alya acted as if it didn't affect her. it did.

she cried herself to sleep the first night she was there. She couldn't sleep the second.

Right now she sat in her room, doing her homework on boggarts. She didn't know what her boggart would be and she didn't wish to know.

"Alya" her mother called from downstairs.

"coming mother" she answered back, quickly putting on her heels and gloves her mother asked her to wear all the time. something was up, she could tell. her mother usually didn't talk to her and especially didn't call her with such gentle tone.

She quickly made her way downstairs, following her mother's rules of how to hold her posture.

"yes mother?" she asked as she met with a smile on her mother's face, startling her.

"come on dear, someone very special is here to meet you" she said, putting her hand on Alya's lower back and leading her to the room.

Alya stopped in her tracks when she saw who the visitors were. her breath hitched.

"hello baby cousin" Bellatrix lestrange said with an evil smirk, who sat next to her husband, rudolfus and his brother. who smiled greedily at her.

what is going on

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