Chapter 1

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Alya has been waiting for the winter break to end from the day it started. Sirius ran away 6 days in, new year was boring, all alone in her room. She couldn't write to anyone because her mother thought sirius will write to her kids. So the christmas break has been a huge shit hole.
The black family was making their way to platform 9 and three quarters. Regulus went in first, followed by Alya then walburga.
They had 5 minutes left before the train takes off.
"Listen both of you, no talking to sirius. Stay as far away from him as possible. Thats means you Alya. Being in that loathfull house of yours will make your chances to run into him more. STAY. AWAY."
"Yes mother" the twins mumbled, alya knowing that was far likely to happen.
"Now regulus dear, what else have I thought you"
"No talking or being in the company of blood traitors, half breeds, mug-mudbloods" he said with no emotion, looking down at his feet.

"Yes, you girl listen to what he said. I dont want any complains from you. Respect your elders and men. Now off you go"
Alya would be lying if she said it didnt hurt when her mother hugged regulus and sent her away. Sure she didnt like her at all but she was her mother.

Regulus went over to his friends without even saying goodbye to alya, which was weird. He usually walked her to her compartment.

The marauders sat in their compartment. Sirius eagerly waiting for her sister to show up. It was the first time he had been away for weeks. He felt bad for leaving her there but he was making a plan to rescue her.

Between the laughs and chattering of the four brotherly boys, a familiar voice came from just outside.

"Oh this dress is sooo uncomfortable" whined alya from outside of the compartment.

"That would be Miss alya" james remarked.
Sirius jumped from his seat and flung opened the door, scaring alya out of her living daylights.

"SIRIUS! My god, do you want to give me a heart attack. Gentler next time-" but she was cut off by the biggest hug ever.
The rest of the marauders saw the scene with smiles.
Sure sirius had the playboy emo personality but alya was his soft spot.
Alya returned the hug with a huge smile.
Both the siblings came inside.

"Hi alya" the boys greeted.
"Hiya boys" she then turned to sirius. "How's your break been? I bet it was wonderful with the potters. Getting to celebrate christmas and new year like a family, real family."
Though she didn't mean it, sirius felt bad because of her words. Sure, he had the time of his life at the potter manor, but all he thought was how alya was stuck at grimmauld. He felt selfish, even after james assured it wasn't true.

"Ya it was amazing, you?"
"Same old, same ol', mother dearie locked me in my room. Said being in gryffindor was to much access to being in contact with you so she banned communication. Regulus has been a prick, something's up with him, I can sense it. Father was rarely home. You'll be surprised to hear that the only good thing there was kreacher. Poor elf finally realised that I was not 'a disgrace', felt bad for me. Even brought some snacks for me from the village against his mistresses's order."
The other three remained quiet, alya was like a sister to the whole group. Listening to her stories about home and how she was treated made them mad, at her mother.

"Well i'm gonna change, this dress is suffocating me" she stood up, took out a small bag which the others guessed had clothes in them and left for the bathroom.

"I feel like such a bad brother" sirius buried his face in his palms in frustration.

"That's not true pads, you're a great one" peter tried to console him.

Alya Black| Remus lupin Where stories live. Discover now