Chapter 2

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School was going really fast. Alya wasn't the best in her classes but the subjects she preferred, she excelled in them. That being potions, care of magical creatures, charms, astronomy and transfiguration. She wasn't that bad in defence against the dark arts, but she managed. She really wanted to take muggle studies but her mother was against it. She dropped out of divination after her third year.
Right now it was mid february and she was sitting in the library with dorcus who was doing her DADA essay while alya studied for transfiguration.
"Hey dorcus"
"Yes alya"
"What does a house wear?"
"Shut up"
"No, adress"
Dorcus looked up from her work and stared at alya with annoyance. Alya quickly got the hint.
"K, i'll stop now"
And after a lot of procrastination, alya started studying. That was until two ravenclaws came in, talking.

"I can't believe snape would do that lily, I thought they were friends" one of them said, the two familiar names suddenly caught the attention of the two gryffindors.
"What are you looking at me for? I've been here the whole time" dorcus gave an eyeroll to the comment.

"Hey samantha, what did you say about sev and lily?" Dorcus quickly asked.

"Oh, the marauders were using this spell on snape that made him dangle in the air by his foot so lily went to stop potter" samantha said

"And then snape said he didnt need any help from a mu- the m word, he called her the m word" the other said.
"WHAT!" dorcus said, in shock. Then turned to her friend, who has already stormed off.

She quickly grabbed their stuff and ran after alya.

Snape was lurking in the corridors near the ground, regretting what he had just called his best friend.

"SNAPE, YOU PRICK!" Snape turned his head to the direction of the voice, he saw a very furious raven haired girl walking very fast towards him.
Alya black

"HOW DARE YOU CALL HER THAT. WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO CALL HER THAT" she yelled as she reached. There weren't many people there, only a bunch of 4th year slytherins and dorcus meadows following alya.
"Shove off black"
"Oh don't you shove off me. YOU WERE HER BEST FRIEND AND YOU BROKE HER HEART. I get it, sirius and james were being arses but you don't take off that anger on her."
Snape noticed how mad she was but he didn't say anything.


"He what!?" Dorcus asked with shock with the new information.

snape took out her wand and pointed it at Alya.
"Don't say that, it's not true"

But dorcus already had her wand pointed at snape, alya stood there bravely, not even flinching.

"Expelliarmus" he pointed his wand at dorcus, who's wand flew out of her hands.
The scene was quickly noticed by the slytherins, regulus being one of them, ran to her sister.

"Oh no you don't" alya took out her wand. "Rictusempra"
Which snape easily blocked.
"Really black? You trying to make me laugh?"

"Severus Stop! What are you doing" Regulus called out.

But snape ignored him.
"Sectumsempra" snape regretted his actions the moment he said those words.
Alya, unknown to the spell couldn't block it in time.
Blood slowly started covering her white shirt. She fell back but regulus quickly catched her, sitting down while giving her weak body support.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Regulus asked in panick, trying to make his sister stop bleeding.

"I-don't kn- I-uh-I" snape couldn't form any words.
Though he didnt show it, alya was like his little sister. Being friends with lily made them close. Not as much but they were friends.

"No-no-no, alya sweetie look at me. Come on al" dorcus was panicking at the sight.

"I can't, I ca- breathe" alya gasped for air. Slowly loosing consciousness.

"Cassi, cassi stay awake for me ok. You'll be alright, come on al" Regulus' shirt was now covered in his sister's blood. He was shaking.

"Meadows, go call sirius. I'll-i'll take her to the ho-hospital wing" regulus slowly picked alya up, alya had tears in her eyes with pain and breathlessness. Dorcus nodded at regulus and ran to wherever the oldest black was.

Snape was still standing there, hating himself, so he did the only thing he could to help.

The marauders were sitting in the great hall along with lily (who was still quite mad and sad), marlene and alice. Laughing and chattering about something.
The door opened and dorcus came running in. Nobody noticed the fear on her face from far.

"Lost your robes meadows?" Sirius said.
"I would look in marlene's room if I were you" james continued the joke, making all the marauders, lily and alice laugh.
"Oh shut up potter" marlened hit smacked his head from the back with the copy of the daily profet.
But the laughter soon died as they all noticed the look on dorcus' face.

"Dorcus? What's wrong?" Marlene stood up and walked towards her girlfriend.
"Its- it's Alya"

Sirius saw his little brother, who he had not talked to since he ran away. He was covered in blood and crying.
"WHERE IS SHE? WHAT HAPPEND!?" Regulus looked to see his brother and his friends running up the stairs towards the room.

"She's inside, she's very injured. I couldn't stop him in time sirius. Pomfrey is not letting anyone in."
Alice ran towards the boy and quickly brought him in a hug, regulus first flinched from the touch but hugged her back and cried on her shoulders.

The voices from outside made pomfrey open the door and saw the whole clan.
Sirius quickly tried to run in but pomfrey held him back.
"I am afraid I can't allow that mr. Black"

"NO! Jus-just let me see her, please"

"I know its scary but now's not the time, i've never seen anything like this before.
Ms. Evans, meadows, fortescue and mckinnon, you may come in. I need all the help I can." She said to the girls, who nodded and stepped inside. Pomfrey then turned to remus.
"And mr. Lupin. If you may, please go call minerva. She must know something."

Remus quickly got up but soon stopped as a voice came from the corridor.
"That will not be necessary, mr. Snape has informed me about everything, i've written to your mother." Minerva mcgonagall came in.

"Snape? Where is he? That son of b-" sirius turned angrily.

"MR. BLACK! That is not how you speak about your classmates. Sit down, and regulus go wash off, it is not sanitary." She pointed out the bloody shirt regulus wore and then went inside in a hurry. Pomfrey closed the doors again. Regulus didn't move, sirius kicked a stool nearby in anger as james tried to calm him down. Remus just sat by the window, looking at the lake nearby, trying to keep his mind off of her. Peter left after 15 minutes to get something to eat for the boys as they haven't eaten anything in lunch. Though none of them touched it.

Snape sat in his dorm, hoping he hadn't gone too far.

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